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Moin zusammen


Ich brauche mal bitte von euch eine Hilfe zur Bedüsung, hab hier schon gesucht aber den 186 scheint hier kaum jemand verbaut zu haben...


Li150 Motor , GT186 gesteckt, BGM ClubmanV4 mit Dellorto PHBH30 mit Schaumstoffilter.


Danke für eure Hilfe

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

This is what the manual  suggests with an open mouth and franspeed exhaust: Dellorto PHBH30 (caution standard version of this carb has restricted access to air screw and idle stop adjustment when fitted to R/H manifold) Cable choke conversion Part number: 53003. Settings for open mouth with Franspeed race. Suggested jetting between 130 -135 main jet, AV268 atomiser, X13 (or X7) needle, 40 slide, 55 idle jet, Timing set at 17 degrees BTDC



Mine, with a Gori sport and foam filter ran with 128 main, x7 needle, av266 or 264 and 54 pilot on a 28phbh. I later changed to a keihin 28pwk and now is on the shelf waiting for a new donor...


i hope you have a good starting point with these numbers.


It is a nice kit anyway...


here is a link to the gt manual, if you did not have it yet: https://lambretta-images.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/GT-manual_3.pdf


Bearbeitet von Gio695
  • Thanks 1

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