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hi fellas, hoping you can help with a bit of jetting advice for a keihin 38mm pwm.

my set up is a polini evo reed version that has been tuned a bit by amazombie, with a big bertha pipe and a 54mm crank, now the kit came with a 30mm manifold that didnt fit into my vma1 frame and not only that

i thought that seeing as the reed intake on the barrel is  the same as an early cr125, or falc and the cr rubber boot fits, that a bigger carb would be needed

the cr uses a 36mm mikuni but lots have fitted 38mm pwk to them with good results, so i had in my carb box a brand new pwm 38 which is like a short version of the pwk

i had a manifold made and comes out of the front of the side panel rather than inside the frame

the jetting at the moment is how it came with a 175 main, 50 pilot, CCJ needle, and a 6.0 slide

has anyone used one of these or even the 38mm pwk and can give me some jetting advice, at the moment it seems ok and revs up nice up until 1/2 then has a lean bog down, tho i

cant be sure as ive only run it for 15 minutes or so but will be at it again once ive moved house next week

i dont really want to buy lots of jets as i already have the bgm set that i think only goes from 150 up to 172

some of the mx sites ive been on dont really apply as most of them use a multi taper needle that are made for the bikes they go on

any help much appreciated

cheers, jonny

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