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I'm restoring my 1960 VGLA1t and I don't really know if I should buy a torque wrench for all the bolts and nuts on my scooter..To do a very professional restoration it's very handy ofcourse but I haerd on scooterbbs that unexperienced people that use torque wrenches often do more harm than good..and how necessary is it?

Do you guys use them to tighten the nuts exactly like the factory settings?

what's your experience?



ok thanks!

the thing is that I don't have the oney to buy a real expensive one..you often hear that buying cheap (30 Euro) ones aren't really accurate and that you can just the same use a normal wrench if you can't spend a lot of money..

what do you think about that?


I know this is going to hurt, but please buy a good one ! The damage caused by an innaccurate torque wrench is often a lot more then the expensive torque wrench !

Like Lacknase wrote, for the cylinderhead is it very usefull to avoid leakages. Until latelely I did not use one, but now I do ! Ask around, maybe some friend has it, but buy a good one with a good scale and dividing scale ! Maximum torque applied I think is 110 NM for the rear wheel nut, for the rest its much lower ! Also use a Nm scale instead of all the other ones. Metrics rulez !

Good luck with the savings :-D


Had ook allemaal in het Nederlands gekund ? :-D

[...] Like Lacknase wrote [...]

In fact I didn't write this so far, but now I'll do: get one and use it! :-D

Though - as Klingelkasper(!) said already - I think a good one with 25Nm or 30Nm max just for the cylinder head's nuts would be sufficient.


mm.damn I was afraid of that..

so what price category are we talking about ? when is it a 'good one'?

and as to the damage caused by cheap ones; is that because they're not accurate or for another reason?



HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :uargh: :plemplem: :uargh: :plemplem: :uargh:

Wie konnte das sein, wie dumm kann ein Hollander sein :uargh: :uargh: :uargh:

Schuldigung boys (Klingie & Lackie, haha) !

Ich furchte niemals von euch Antworte zu bekommen :-D

Also, prices up from 75 - 100, brand: Gedore, rest. don't know. Take time and don't decide straight away. Go to some good tool-shops where they can explain and then do the Dutch way: only looking and not buying :-D Look for special offers, they're there !



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