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I’m from Norway.

I’m not sure if I have a P 200 E GS, or a PX 200 E GS, or even a P 200 E, can anyone help me out here?

Is it made in Italy or Germany?

And what year it’s from?

VIN prefiks  VSX1T 3045xxx

In the Norwegian document it says

PX 200 E from 1998.

Regards Jon 





28 minutes ago, mofaracer said:

Hi Jon,


the scooter was manufactured in Italy but exported to Germany.

What Maximum Speed is written in the documents?

It dosent say😳


Close to the Engine Number there should be a casting stamp for the block. At least this gives some indication about when the motor has been produced. On the rims there is also engraved the year of production.

Scooterhelp does not give information for newer Vespa.


P 200 E is always in the german documents.

Sold as a Vespa PX 200 E Lusso. When the engine is VSE, then it is a PX 200 E GS Lusso

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