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Is the circeled item the Powerjet in the picture below?



Looking inside the floatbowl the red pipe it is not connected to the PJ “jet”.


Its the other side with black rubber hose that is connected to the floatbowl PJ…? But tracing that circuit makes me only confused.



To block the PJ circuit, what hose should I disconnect?


i dont understand how this PJ works. I cant blow any air through the  item circeled in red with my mouth… Is is for oil injection?



Thanks and sorry for writing in English. This is beyond my level in German…



Bearbeitet von Malkus

Hi Malkus,

the powerjet system you can see at your second picture: It's the black hose at the side of the caburettor, at the end of the hose inside the float chamber you will find the jet.

At really high revs an additional amount of fuel will be transportet through the black hose to the intake.

If you want to disable this system you have to close both ends. Normally I take a second short hose, placed at the intake tube, both hoses closed with a screw.



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Thank you very much! I would love to see a diagram how this powerjet system flows... 


My scooter is tuned for torque and with a Gori GP box exhaust with peak power low down in the rpm scale. Last dyno run 26 hp @ 6400 rpm with Franspeed Supertourer exhaust an tmx 35...


Is the powerjet only active at high revs or depending och throttle opening?


Will it ever open you think on my scooter?


Vielen Dank // Malkus






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