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Granturismo GT186 full kit NEW, SIP2.0 speedo, Gori Sport exhaust and glovebox


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For small block Lambretta


Superb Granturismo GT186 with reed valve and Japanese piston


Kit is new, unused/never installed!


As supplied by granturismo, including porcupine head, normally sold separately

Latest variant of the kit

Retail price is on average 800 euros (shipping, and from UK import tax, etc. not included)


From factory with 25mm intake manifold on left side (for dellorto phbl 25 or mikuni tm24)

Asking price: 660 euros


Can also be sold with a 30mm intake (also left side version, for dellorto phbh 26/30, Vhst, Keihin pwk, Mikuni tmx,...) instead of 25mm,

also new for 675 euros


Exhaust connection as original. Works great with 60mm crankshaft also


Gaskets for the cylinder are never included by Granturismo and neither are studs for the exhaust.

Everything you see in photos is what comes with a full kit!


Shipping is possible at buyer's expense!


I Live in Belgium, Maasmechelen (Limburg) at aprox. 45km from Aachen and 125km from Köln


I understand German, but do not speak it very fluently








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Lambretta Glovebox

Model PX style or DL/GP style (Nanucci style has a different door as far as i know).


Never used.

With lock/keys, rubber and fixing irons.

In oiled metal.


At sSIP they sell separate versions for the DL/GP and the other series 3.

I'm not sure which version this is. I think for series 3!

New price is 125 for box, rubber and lock together

Never sprayed


Asking price: 60 euros


Shipping is possible at buyer's expense!


I Live in Belgium, Maasmechelen  (Limburg) at aprox. 45km from Aachen and 125km from Köln


I understand German, but do not speak it very fluently




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Gori Sport exhaust

36mm version (output 22mm I think)


In bare steel (you can see some flash rust in the photos, but it has no real rust/dents/holes anywhere)


Still in very neat condition.


Original silencer is also included, but have fitted it with an MR parts silencer for BGM clubman Pro because of better sound/less noise


Exhaust bend and spring are of course also included, also in good condition.


Standard Lambretta connection, so for original, 175 kit, BGM RT195, Mugello, granturismo, Casa Lambretta, etc...


Upon purchase, Gori logo was removed, damper replaced and bracket slightly adjusted so that also 60mm crankshaft would fit without too much torsion.


Everything in very neat condition

Original price almost 360 euros and silencer 70 euros.


Asking price: 195 euros



Shipping is possible at buyer's expense! This one is big/long off course!


I Live in Belgium, Maasmechelen (Limburg) at aprox. 45km from Aachen and 125km from Köln


I understand German, but do not speak it very fluently









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Speedo Sip Black face version 2.0


for all series 3 models


Has been removed from scooter in working order.


The cables to the adjustment/settings knob has come loose and needs to be soldered again.


This is the Speedo with original cables for power/signal and associated control unit, adjustment knob and extension cable for fuel tap connection.


Cable for cht is not included, see photos for everything for sale.


New price is on average 180 euros.

Asking price: 90 euros


Shipping is possible at buyer's expense!


I Live in Belgium, Maasmechelen (Limburg) at aprox. 45km from Aachen and 125km from Köln


I understand German, but do not speak it very fluently





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I have merged your topics, you can now edit the title and get ist all together in the opening post :satisfied:


The rules for the marketplace in english:


We have a few rules concerning the GSF-Marketplace (aka P.O.R.N.O. rules, abbrevating the relevant german keywords), primarily:
- All for sale posts must include a price! (Precise indication of postage and packing is mandatory, you are likely targeting a german/austrian/swiss audience.)
- Specify the exact location (City) of the article to be sold by you! Close to XYZ, near XYZ won't do.
- No simultaneous offers on any other commercial platform allowed! 
- No selling on behalf of others! All articles must be your property.


Unless items exceeding €1,000 are being offered, you may only have one thread at a time. Any use of this website for purchasing or selling items signifies your understanding and acceptance of these rules.

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