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hi, i want to modify my VESPA 90SSNZ from 6V to 12V. I bought the BGM kit but I can't make the connections with the old electrical system. this is the first time this has happened to me. does anyone have experience? can anyone give me directions? does anyone have wiring diagrams to try? as in the package there is only for the lambretta and a little more ..... help me please







Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hi Dremel,


can you describe a little better what the problem is, does the engine start and do you get 12V out of the new ignition?


Do you also have the fitting light-switch for the horn and the right (new) break light?




Bearbeitet von PatM
vor einer Stunde hat dremel folgendes von sich gegeben:


It's expected to be available in time (whatever that means).


Alternatively you can take the same item w/o switch: https://www.scooter-center.com/de/kabelbaum-conversion-ohne-lichtschalter-bgm-pro-vespa-ac-umruestung-auf-elektronische-zuendung-vespa-smallframe-v50-50n-pv125-et3-vespa-largeframe-sprint-rally-ts-gt-gtr-gl-super-gs160-ss180-vna-vnb-vba-vbb-9077011u?number=9077011U

Ask in the forum for a conversion switch or look at eBay. SIP could have it, too.

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