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Dead Elvis Scooter Rally Zeitungsartikel

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Dead Elvis Scooter Rally putts through Memphis


By Billy Hatcher, Special to Midtown & Downtown Appeal

August 26, 2004

About 35 enthusiasts and their scooters gathered Downtown for the first Dead Elvis Scooter Rally.

The rally was produced by the Memphis Kings Scooter Club, an eclectic group made up largely of owners of new and vintage Vespas, but including scooters of all makes such as Bajaj, Honda and Yamaha.

Held during the climax of Elvis week, the rally drew participants from all over the Mid-South, and as far away as Nashville, Baton Rouge, La., and Houston, Texas.

Events included several categories of scooter judging, such as Best Vespa, won by Jack Pentzer and his 1969 Vespa Sprint 150; Best Chick Scooter, won by Elizabeth Blondis and her 2003 pink, flower-powered Vespa ET2; and Scooter Most Likely to be Ridden by Elvis, won by A.J. Wolfe and his flamed, hot rod 1963 Vespa GL150.

There was also an obstacle course event, the Heartbreak Gymkhana, where participants had to ride their scooters over obstacles such as a seesaw and a board suspended over a kids swimming pool. Those participating provided a great show, including a few minor crashes and minimal bloodshed.

The club and rally attendees took a riding tour of all things Elvis, including stops at Sun Studio, SuperCycle and Graceland's candlelight vigil.

Throughout the year, the club meets twice per month for group rides.

There's a spring formal on scooters -- complete with tuxedos, gowns and corsages, as well as the occasional poker run or scoot-n-camp weekend.

The club is named to honor Elvis, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., B.B. King, Jerry 'The King' Lawler and King Cotton, all "Kings" of Memphis.

For information call club president Billy Hatcher at 901-523-8687, E-mail at [email protected], or look online at memphiskings.org.

Copyright 2004, commercialappeal.com - Memphis, TN. All Rights Reserved.

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ich kann doch die Mitglieder ,die gerade im Forum online sind auf der Startseite nachsehen wo sie gerade schauen -zu dem Zeitpunkt war Wurstbruch gerade in Messenger .

Das war doch die Frage, wo er ist oder?

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Na, da Huber, die Frage war, welcher Reiter ich auf dem Bild bin.

Ha, aber sehr gut geraten, die Herren! Ich bin nicht der Typ auf der orangen Stella, sondern in der Tat auf dem dunkelblauen Moped, welches zwar einen SF-Lenkkopf hat, da es eine Super ist, aber eben eine Super ist und daher einen LF-Koerper besitzt. :-D


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