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OKD Rear Shock Absorber


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Hi fellow Lambretta nerds,


Please excuse my asking questions in English.


Has anyone used the OKD rear shock that Casa performance and SIP are now selling? If so, what are your thoughts?

How does it compare to BGM's rear shock?

It's listed as 305mm so 5mm longer than a stock ser 3 shock, will it be ok with a TS1 engine?


https://www.sip-scootershop.com/en/product/shock-absorber-okd-rear_22058910?usrc=rear shock



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Longer shock is usually good for expansion exhaust to provide extra clearance at the rear end of the floor board and between the exhaust belly and the street..

Bearbeitet von JOB
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vor 8 Stunden schrieb JOB:

Longer shock is usually good for expanding exhaust to provide extra clearance at the rear end of the floor board and between the exhaust belly and the street..

 Yes of course but if the shock is too long then you run into issues with the inlet manifold touching the frame tube. I've since read that this shock is adjustable in length which SIP doesn't appear to list on their site.




"Length adjustment by 10 mm"

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