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Eurolambretta 2025 - Ayr (Schottland) - 26. - 29.06.

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Hier die Vorankündigung aus Schottland:


The Lambretta Club of Scotland would like to invite our Lambretta
friends from around the world to celebrate the 34th Euro Lambretta in
the land of Robert Burns, of Robert the Bruce, of a Viking Capital and
of amazing castles.

We therefore invite you to:

Whitletts Road, Ayr, KA8 0JE

JUNE 26th - JUNE 29th 2025

Ayr is situated on the West Coast of Scotland and is a popular seaside
resort with lots of hotels and Bed & Breakfast accommodation.

We will of course have a campsite and we are planning to have the
popular option of Glamping tents available.

The campsite will be open from 12 noon on Thursday 26th June and will
close at 12 noon on Sunday 29th June.

There will be ride outs on Friday and Saturday visiting some of the
sites mentioned above.

Concourse de elegance on Saturday.

Dealer village and scooter repair facilities available too.

More information and a detailed programme will be made available once
all our plans are in place around the end of the year.

We thank you for your patience until all arrangements can be advised.

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Schade, daß die El soweit im Süden von Schottland stattfinden wird. Hatte gehofft, daß es wieder Fort William werden wird und mich schon auf eine tolle Tour durch die Highlands gefreut.


Aber warscheinlich natürlich trotzdem dabei.

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