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Frame reinfrocements?


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Which frame reinforcements are the most useful, to make the frame flex less with the engine when curving?

Yes, the silentrubbers, but that is not the problem.

The engine shakes sideways both horisontally and vertically in the svingarm pivot. Would it be advisable to to "deaden" up around the pivot or to stiffen the frame the whole way from the pivot to the shockabsorber mount? Or both? Anyone have similar problems with a cutdown?

Any tips and recommendations are welcome.



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On my british sports car I exchanged all rubber/Steel bushings with nylon bushings on the front axle. They are very rigid but they don´t seem to have the play wich comes with the normal rubber silent bushings. Just check if find some similar nylon bushings at your local automotive store. Together with some shimming you should be able to eliminate this unwanted motion of the engine.

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Thanks for the reply,

as it seems, it is not the engine that flex in the frame, but the frame that flex with the engine, as to make it clear, the flex makes the rear wheel move in unwanted directions during cornering.

What I'm looking for are modifications to stiffen up the frame, and to make it more rigid.

The silent rubbers are in proper condition, and I think the frame is too soft to take advantage of stiffer bushings.

If there are any ideas on how to stiffen up the rear frame it would be much appreciated.



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Hi Truls,

one possibility to find out where the carriage flexes is to cover the areas being suspect with a hardening, removeable fluid (I haven´t got a glue which one to take - any suggestions? Sugar solved in water???). Then tilt your scooter, push it really hard as if you would corner - the cracks in the hardened fluid shall enable you to find out where it flexes.

Generously stiffen these areas by welding a second layer of sheet onto them and neighbouring areas.

I have not done this myself - it is only an idea!

BTW: Better than resilient rubbers or nylon bushings are >AMPEP-spherical bearings< from SKF. GoTo: http://www.skf.com/portal/skf/home/product...ng=en&newlink=3



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