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Exhaust system for pxe ?


Empfohlene Beiträge

I've seen in some forums that the SIP Performance would be the best exhaust system.

But I wanna have a standard look like exhaust.

I've seen that the sito+ has good notes for performance but bad notes for duration.

In the rollershop katalog I've seen a RSE chrome (page 51) for px 200.

Does the sito+ exist in chrom ?

Does this RSE exist for px125 ? Does it give better perf compared to the original one ?


Bearbeitet von eleger91
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Does the sito+ exist in chrom ?
As far as I know: No. But I am sure that someone can do this job in France, too, especially on a new silencer. Anyhow, I would not recommend a chrome finish (which take a lot of work and/or money) due to the quality of the exhaust.
Does this RSE exist for px125 ?

The chromed one ? As far as I know: No.

Does it give better perf compared to the original one ?

Definetly: No !



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You also could use an adapted T5-exhaust. It works much better than the Sito+ and it also looks like an original one so it is very inconspicuous.




thanks Michael,

for example in the SIP shop ?


What shall I adapt ? Does a T5 pre-adapted exhaust exist ?


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