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sorry that I can't write this in German. I can understand some german it so feel free to respond in German if you dont like righting in English.

I've just got my Lambretta Vega 75cc through the RDW (the dutch equivelent of TUV i think) for the import - since it will never have to do this again and we are allowed to tune motorscooters in holland I am hoping that someone here may have a 4 speed starstream engine for sale to make the vega faster. I know they are very difficult to find but hopefully someone has one. I dont mind if its tuned or not.

Many thanks

John - from Amsterdam.

Try www.casalambretta.it

I know that they had some 2 years ago, so they may have one today.


great - thanks for the advice. I've sent vittorio an email...

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