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watch some magazines. There are a lot of chargers which protect the battery, but they are expensive.

another possibility is, that you charge the battery every second week or so.. with a normal charger.

normaly it shouldn´t break


More satisfying than to get the best battery charger for a huge amount of money is to get the best batteries money could buy.

Please google the internet for "Hawker" or "Genesis"- Batteries and their availability in France. The high purity lead/tin technology of this batteries allows to store them for a very long time without recharging, for example during the winter months. They are more expensive than standard batteries, but finally you save a lot of money by their astonishing lifetime of about 8 years and more.

I made best experiences with this type of battery in my Vespa GS last ten years, and my first battery is already in service without weakness or failure.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

thanks a lot... :love:

that advice is very interesting...I run using google

Klingelkasper, do u confirm that using a standard 9Ah (for my pxe) is the same as using a 11Ah (about same size...for 125 X9)...or a 11Ah will be powerfull (interesting for my H4 headlamp) and will have longer life...??? :-D

Bearbeitet von eleger91
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Normally, this kind of batteries allow to drain very much higher currents out of them than standard type of batteries. The maximum current delivered by a battery depends on the capacitiy. One example from the motorcycle universe: A typical MotoGuzzi V2 needs a minimum of 28Ah, better a 32Ah standard battery, by the use of a Genesis battery you could use a 16Ah without loosing power on the starter motor.

So, if your PX has an E-starter, increasing the battery capacitiy from 9Ah to 11Ah could also increase the power of the starter (and the lifetime of the battery). If you are using a Genesis type of battery with the same capacity as the standard battery, starter power and battery lifetime should be very much better with the Genesis type. Hope, it´s not too confusing, sorry. :plemplem:

For the headlights the battery capacitiy is not that interesting. I´m not the expert in PX electrical systems, in my opinion headlights on this model are only running on AC circuit without any connection to the battery DC circuit, aren´t they?

EDIT: The SBS8 (7Ah) should match to your PX, only bad thing is the price, 129,- Euros (in Germany) :-D(

EDIT2: Another possibility are Cyclone-Monobloc Batteries (same technology as SBS/Genesis), there is an 12V 8Ah Model available for 62,- Euros. Link to german distributor price list

Bearbeitet von Klingelkasper
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Thanks Klingelkasper for your long answer.

Yes, I've the the electric starter px...so the standard battery is an 9Ah.

So, if I understood your meaning, the battery in my pxe is only used for the starter and when my gearing is off !?


On ebay, the Genesis 13Ah is at 100?

ebay - Genesis 13Ah

and the SBS 7.4Ah at 90? (so just a difference of 10?)

ebay - 7.4Ah or cheaper

ebay - SBS8 - 7.4Ah

and the cheapest price for the 14Ah one (12.8 announced !?) is 55?

ebay - SBS15 - 14Ah

The cyclone-monobloc - ref M12/8 - is to deep for the pxe. Normal size (standard 9Ah) is 7.7cm and that one is 10.6cm !

Bearbeitet von eleger91
Thanks Klingelkasper for your long answer.

Yes, I've the the electric starter px...so the standard battery is an 9Ah.

So, if I understood your meaning, the battery in my pxe is only used for the starter and when my gearing is off !?

Horn and indicators are also running on DC...


If you plan to cross the arctic circle during winter with your px125e, the 15Ah is a good choice. :-D

Higher Ah is not the problem, but the additional weight of 2kg may be overstress the battery holder resulting in sudden battery losses. I´ve never really looked at a px-battery holder, so maybe our px-experts should answer this question to you :-D

PS: You should ask at ebay sellers for the production date of the batteries if not published in the description. ;-)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Why not ? ;-)

Driving on the ice-barrier such as James Bond (obviously with a James Bond girl behind me) :-D:-D ...on the road again...

Ok...so the SBS at 7.4Ah would be enough...

I will follow the ebay transaction...because at 90e, I don't think it will be very interesting ; I could buy 4 generic 9Ah batteries...

Bearbeitet von eleger91

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