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Battery charger 12V - The best one ?


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More satisfying than to get the best battery charger for a huge amount of money is to get the best batteries money could buy.

Please google the internet for "Hawker" or "Genesis"- Batteries and their availability in France. The high purity lead/tin technology of this batteries allows to store them for a very long time without recharging, for example during the winter months. They are more expensive than standard batteries, but finally you save a lot of money by their astonishing lifetime of about 8 years and more.

I made best experiences with this type of battery in my Vespa GS last ten years, and my first battery is already in service without weakness or failure.

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thanks a lot... :love:

that advice is very interesting...I run using google

Klingelkasper, do u confirm that using a standard 9Ah (for my pxe) is the same as using a 11Ah (about same size...for 125 X9)...or a 11Ah will be powerfull (interesting for my H4 headlamp) and will have longer life...??? :-D

Bearbeitet von eleger91
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Normally, this kind of batteries allow to drain very much higher currents out of them than standard type of batteries. The maximum current delivered by a battery depends on the capacitiy. One example from the motorcycle universe: A typical MotoGuzzi V2 needs a minimum of 28Ah, better a 32Ah standard battery, by the use of a Genesis battery you could use a 16Ah without loosing power on the starter motor.

So, if your PX has an E-starter, increasing the battery capacitiy from 9Ah to 11Ah could also increase the power of the starter (and the lifetime of the battery). If you are using a Genesis type of battery with the same capacity as the standard battery, starter power and battery lifetime should be very much better with the Genesis type. Hope, it´s not too confusing, sorry. :plemplem:

For the headlights the battery capacitiy is not that interesting. I´m not the expert in PX electrical systems, in my opinion headlights on this model are only running on AC circuit without any connection to the battery DC circuit, aren´t they?

EDIT: The SBS8 (7Ah) should match to your PX, only bad thing is the price, 129,- Euros (in Germany) :-D(

EDIT2: Another possibility are Cyclone-Monobloc Batteries (same technology as SBS/Genesis), there is an 12V 8Ah Model available for 62,- Euros. Link to german distributor price list

Bearbeitet von Klingelkasper
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Thanks Klingelkasper for your long answer.

Yes, I've the the electric starter px...so the standard battery is an 9Ah.

So, if I understood your meaning, the battery in my pxe is only used for the starter and when my gearing is off !?


On ebay, the Genesis 13Ah is at 100?

ebay - Genesis 13Ah

and the SBS 7.4Ah at 90? (so just a difference of 10?)

ebay - 7.4Ah or cheaper

ebay - SBS8 - 7.4Ah

and the cheapest price for the 14Ah one (12.8 announced !?) is 55?

ebay - SBS15 - 14Ah

The cyclone-monobloc - ref M12/8 - is to deep for the pxe. Normal size (standard 9Ah) is 7.7cm and that one is 10.6cm !

Bearbeitet von eleger91
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If you plan to cross the arctic circle during winter with your px125e, the 15Ah is a good choice. :-D

Higher Ah is not the problem, but the additional weight of 2kg may be overstress the battery holder resulting in sudden battery losses. I´ve never really looked at a px-battery holder, so maybe our px-experts should answer this question to you :-D

PS: You should ask at ebay sellers for the production date of the batteries if not published in the description. ;-)

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Why not ? ;-)

Driving on the ice-barrier such as James Bond (obviously with a James Bond girl behind me) :-D:-D ...on the road again...

Ok...so the SBS at 7.4Ah would be enough...

I will follow the ebay transaction...because at 90e, I don't think it will be very interesting ; I could buy 4 generic 9Ah batteries...

Bearbeitet von eleger91
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