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My pxe has 2 rear lights :

- Osram 5008 12V R10W 37R 00211

- Generic GE2619 12VR5W 200 408

=> Who knows where I could fond more (compatible) powerfull lights ?

=> Who tried to do it ?



...why do you want more powerful lights in the back?

one lamp indicates that you're breaking, the other one simply makes you visible in the dark...

You could try some of these LED "bulbs". They are available on Ebay. Example: http://www.ledstyle.de/. You will find them under "Produktübersicht". Usualy they fit in your standard lamp holders.



That link isn't down but I don't receive any information...

How could I find them on ebay ?


Probably by entering the right keyword and clicking on "Serach"  :-D


Try first by writing correctly :-D

My question was "how to find the ebay shop" on ebay...because ebay isn't sort by ebay shops


OK. I see.

Mom, the guys on the *sniff* internet are being mean again! *sniff*

What Do You want? Do You think those "bulbs" are patented? Do You think there is no other "manufacturer"/"topseller"/whatever? Should $SOMEONE buy them for You? Do You want some mpeg file demonstrating ebay's search functions? Ever even tried google?

If you say this phrase many many times, you might get thru all this:

"I'm sorry, please understand that I'm a wan***, and have no clue, and maybe therefore don't deserve to live. I'm sorry, I didn't understand what 'Don't fuck with people trying to help You 4free' REALLY meant. I do now. I'll try to use my brain. Please, don't burn me alive."

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