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Scooterist aus USA braucht DEINE Hilfe

Messerschmitt 150 T3

Empfohlene Beiträge

hier seine bitte:

Hi there.

I'm a scooterist presently conducting research for my senior thesis,

which you might be

surprised to hear is on scooterists and scootering.  I'm conducting a

survey to collect

information, and need help wherever I can get it.  I'm looking for

scooter owners of all

sorts to participate- all ages, scooter types, and religious

denominations welcome.

It only takes a couple minutes to fill out, and you'd be really

helping out a fellow

scooterist.  In return, I promise not to make excuses next time  you

need me to help nail

down that pesky electrical problem on your '74 Rally. :)

Here's the link:


Thanks a lot, and please pass this along to anyone you think might be



Checkered Demons Scooter Club NYC

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