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Anyone can give me the equivalence code for Lechler

-yellow ochre 8080

-biancospino 8082

in PPG or DuPont !

because my painter can't find them.

Thanks a lot for your great help.

Von Dean, Rimini Lambretta Center:

PPG use the same number as Lechler ( as its an Innocenti code originally ) which is e.g. 8080. Your paint supplier will be able to find the colour in the 'FLEET ITALIA' listings with this number for PPG paints. Its not listed as Lambretta or Innocenti etc. - just 'PPG / FLEET ITALIA'.

And if still in doubt, go to your painter and have a try on somthing a little smaller than a Lambretta, you will eventually find a colour that is nearly a 100 % like the Lechler colours.

If you insist on the lechler colours, Marcello said that you can still purchase them at

Fa. Bachhuber OHG, Marienburger Str. 14. 84478 Waldkraiburg

Tel.: 08638 5579

Greetings gonzo

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