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I've sent 2 emails asking scooter-attack.com if they knew when they will have a new shipment from KOSO.

End of January, I've ordered the KOSO 32 carb (KO-DA932001), and I have no idea and no answer when I'll have it.

Could someone drop them a call about that and post back in this topic ? :-D

Sorry for the convinience...

Mod/Adm, feel free to displace (and erase :-D( ) this topic...


KTy - Not really fluent in German :wasntme:



t'es francais? Si t'as des problèmes a te faire comprendre en anglais, écris mois un PM et je vais essayer de traduire. D'ou est-ce que tu viens en France? J'ai vécu quelques années à Montélimar en Drome....

a plus


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