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Dietmar Hamann Bridge in London.


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Hauptsache Deutschland verliert.

Naja, als Ösi seis dir nochmal verziehen....

Logo dass man da Voted!

Guckt mal da: Spiegel

Scheinen auf jeden Fall zu "Zensieren" aber eben nur zwecks direktem Zusammenhang zum Wembley. Und der steht ja bei unserm Didi zweifelsfrei!

Also Daumen hoch und weiter gehts :-D


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Aktueller Status :-D

Wembley footbridge - vote 13-23 May

Wembley Stadium Station's Footbridge Click to enlarge image The London Development Agency has had 670,000 responses - suggesting hundreds of different names - for its state-of-the-art footbridge in Wembley.

In the next stage, we will assemble an expert panel to select a shortlist of five names. The shortlist will be announced on 13 May and voting will run throughout the final week of the football season, with the winning name announced on 23 May.

All those who nominated and who vote in the next stage will go in the draw to win a signed England football shirt.

The footbridge will help link the new National Stadium and the developments around it to Wembley town centre. It has been designed by the London Eye architects Marks Barfield and will open out onto a new square - just a few hundred metres from the stadium itself. The bridge and square form part of the LDA's investment of more than £85m in Wembley and will help to bring substantial regeneration to the area.

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Aber in unseren Herzen wird sie in Zukunft weiter Didi-Bridge heissen. Und bestimmt läßt sich auch der ein oder andere Aufkleber etc. dort anbrinegn....

Wird in Zukunft auch Pflichtfrage jedes deutschen Bustouristen " Could you please tell me the way to the Didi Harman Bridge......"

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