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Can someone point out out a link or measure approximatively for me the dimensions, width and length (overall and "hole to hole") of a RD350 reedcage ?

Thank you !

KTy - :-D

Bearbeitet von KTy
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

That was fast :-D

So I guess overall dimensions are 70x65mm

And good news everyone, as some may know, but as I discover :-D , it's totally compatible with the Yamaha Banshee YFZ350 ! :wasntme:

That's pretty coool ;)

Thus, I have my new reed cage project :) :love:

(And................ vForce 3 ready ;) )

:sabber: :plemplem:

Bearbeitet von KTy

I trust you for the Blaster, I had a doubt, but the reed cage looks different...

Yeah, I think the RD350/Banshee reed cage dimension is a good trade-off for a case-inducted Polini 133 project compared to the KX80 (too small) and the others (CR125, TZR125,...)....




Try to make some Dyno-runs with different reeds onyour individual setup.

You may be surprised, that some banshee-reeds may deliver a better powercurve than others - and maybe the V-Force will not be top :-D

KISS rules!

I trust you for the Blaster, I had a doubt, but the reed cage looks different...

Yeah, I think the RD350/Banshee reed cage dimension is a good trade-off for a case-inducted Polini 133 project compared to the KX80 (too small) and the others (CR125, TZR125,...)....



The stud pattern is different on the blaster, but that's about it, differencewise.

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