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I am rebuilding a spanish primavera engine, with point ignition and 3 transfers cylinder.

I am wondering if the sito banana exhaust is really "performance" :) worth compared to the stock primavera one. Furthermore, I find the small stock exhaust much nicer, and it's a pain to change the wheel with the banana... So, pros and cons ?

Thanks for the tips !





Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ok, same question replacing sito with piaggio.


My question was comparing the stock, "small" exhaust with the banana, from an ET3 for example.

KTy - :-D

Bearbeitet von KTy

Errr, I'm sorry, I may not be clear in what I'm saying :-D( :-D

Let's put it this way:

I just wanted to know if there is a big performance difference between a primavera exhaust (small) and an ET3 exhaust (banana)

Anyway, thanks for the advice about Sito, Rasputin ;)

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