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habe da mal ne Frage?

baue meine ET3 auf und weis nicht so genau welcher kabelbaum die beste lösung ist??

ET3 Bj 80 - mit PK Zündung und HP4? welcher baum ist die beste lösung?? ET3 Modofiziert oder?? gleich PK

danke für jede von euren Hilfen - Am besten gleich mit zeichnung ??

danke danke Peter

136Malle, "feine K.Welle" HP4, Fabrizi und 27er..........


Die Hauptarbeit ist nicht der Kabelbaum, sondern das Umfrickeln der Schalter etc. Die ET3 hat zwar elektronische Zündung, aber noch keinen Regler ? da liegt eigentlich der grundsätzliche Unterschied zwischen ET3 (und allen Vespas mit Unterbrecherzündung) und PK (bzw. allen Vespas mit elektronischer Zündung).

Das Thema wurde gerade in letzter Zeit ein paar mal diskutiert ? benutz? mal die Suche.


Sorry but can you point me out these topics ? I don't get what is the difference between an ET3 electronic ignition and a PX one... ?!

Thanks :-D

KTy - :wasntme:

Sorry but can you point me out these topics ? I don't get what is the difference between an ET3 electronic ignition and a PX one... ?!

Thanks  :-D

KTy -  :wasntme:


The main difference:

- ET3 -> 6V and PX/newer Pk -> 12V

- ET3 -> no voltage regulator and PX/newer Pk -> voltage regulator




I don?t know PX ignition, but I guess it?s the same to PK XL

Actually there?s no difference in ignition but the dynamo:

ET3 has no rectifier, meaning every of the coils on the stator plate is used for a different load, e.g. front/back light or brakelight. Switching OFF e.g. lights means SHORT CIRCUITING the particular coil.

PK XL has a rectifier, meaning all the coils except the one für ignition are connected with the rectifier which feeds every load. Switching ON e.g. light means CLOSING the circuit.


Ah ok... But of course, the electronic ignition part is the same; i.e, one coil supply HV to a condenser...

I was confused, I thought I had missed something !


  • 2 Monate später...

And is it possible to put a 12V electronic ignition on a primavera with the small crankshaft (19mm) ???

Indeed, Pk stator + Et3 rotor doest it work ? :-D


hi :-D

the first pk series ( pk 50 s ) has an electronic ignition coming with the small 19mm crankshaft.

this will fit into your PV engine together with the PK Flywheel, and the ET 3 one also, but I'm not sure.

you can also use a pinasco plastic ( "carbon" ) Flywheel for 19mm cones.



hi  :-D

the first pk series ( pk 50 s ) has an electronic ignition coming with the small 19mm crankshaft.


and are they in 12 V ? :-D

And is it possible to put a 12V electronic ignition on a primavera with the small  crankshaft (19mm) ???

Indeed, Pk stator + Et3 rotor doest it work ?  :-D


You can also buy the HP4 flywheel with the small crankshaft at sip - scootershop.

Sip HP4 19 mm



  • 3 Monate später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

does anyone can tell me what is the difference between the PKXL stator and the PKXL HP stator ???

or how can I recognize one of them .... :-D

Bearbeitet von Luccio

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