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Empfohlene Beiträge

  • 5 Monate später...

Indeed.. this is a wonderful conversion :love:

The only thing... there is a carb between my legs :grins:

Well do you have a movie or a sound file... I would like to here this thing passing by :-D

  • 3 Wochen später...

With the front and rear sprockets Im running it does 8.1mph (13kph) per 1000revs. On a recent road test for Scootering Magazine it reved to 12360. Thats 100mph (160kph).

At 12500 revs the engine hits another power band. Ive just changed the rear sprocket so it will rev higher. If it pulls 13000 revs it will do 105mph (168kph). The rev limit is 14200.

It is currently a 125cc. Im building a 154cc engine and modifiying the clutch so it will get off the line quicker.

In the video it is pulling about 11000revs, 90mph (144kph).


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
What datas are you measuring with the MyChron between your legs?



The MyChron data logger reads, revs, water temp, exhaust temp, total running time and lap/run timing.

Each run can be played back in 'real time'.

It doesn't measure prick size. But you need big bollox to ride it :grins:


Bearbeitet von OzOAP

One of our teammembers has got one aswell. I know the features but just wanted to know what you're measuring. We measure speed, laptime, exhaust-temperature and rpm.

So I am right you measure water and exhaust temperature as interesting data?


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