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fake oder nicht

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hallo leuts,

jemand hat nem NYC forum diese pic gepostet:


ich halte es fuer ein fake aufgrund unterschiedlicher gruende... hier ein paar posts die dem bilder posting bislang gefolgt sind...

' too sad that someone would post this...

it must be a fake - no blood on the scene... '

' I bet if he were riding a twist 'n go, devoid of antiquated shifting

procedures, he could have escaped in time to avoid being dismembered.

Clutch Free

       The way to be!

--- In [email protected], "loyinna" <sendmorespam@h...>



> Were you trying to entertain or inform?


> The amount of fluid surrounding the scooterist's halved corpse


> reasonable.  No reason to think the picture's not real.  There's

> nothing spectacular about this particular road accident to show

> motivations of fakery.  A guy negotiating heavy traffic apparently

> falls off a (mostly undamaged) scooter into the path of a large


> that tears his body in two and smashes his insides all over the


> Yes, that's how it happens.  Motor vehicles have inherent dangers.


> What is your point?  "OOOOh, a disgusting picture of a dead guy!

And I

> don't have to write 'NSR'."  How very sixth grade.


> My day was fine.  Yours?




> --- "noshowdidomenico" wrote:

> >

> > Poor Bastard!/

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