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Ja Tach,

hab mir neulich eine VBB Sportique BJ 61 zugelegt :-D . Läuft mit eingetragenem 200er PX-Motor (Ja, ich weiss, nich Original und so, aber ich will ja auch erstma fahrn und dann gehn wir im nächsten Winter an die Details... :wasntme: ) Nu bräucht ich aber doch noch ein paar Infos. Welche Züge (passen die Px-Züge?), Leuchtmittel kommen rein? Hat jemand vielleicht ein Datenblatt oder ähnliches diese Modells, was er mir zukommen lassen könnte? Erfahrungsberichte wären auch top.

Herzlichen Dank schonmal.



Leuchtmittel: die die drin sind ... würde ich nach Muster kaufen. 200er Motor deutet ja wohl auf 12V hin. Heisst: vorne Bilux 25/25 (frühe PE) oder 35/35, Rücklicht 5W; Bremslicht 10W (Sofitte oder Kugel sollte erkennbar sein ... :-D , ggf. Standlicht 5W, Tacholicht: vergiss es ...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Sorry that I can't read German but I have a Douglas Sportique in pieces.If you need picture's for referance let me know what you need and I will post them for you.


Bearbeitet von Juan Kerr


iam actually searching for Data in general. Like...everything U have about the model. Right know iam asking myself if i could use the "bowden wires" from the Px 200. My sportique has a 200ccm PX-Engine inside (12V). I would like to know, which electric bulbs i need. stuff like that. Tips are always welcome.

Thanx so far.


Leuchtmittel: die die drin sind ... würde ich nach Muster kaufen. 200er Motor deutet ja wohl auf 12V hin. Heisst: vorne Bilux 25/25 (frühe PE) oder 35/35, Rücklicht 5W; Bremslicht 10W (Sofitte oder Kugel sollte erkennbar sein ... :-D , ggf. Standlicht 5W, Tacholicht: vergiss es ...


Danke Dir, mit den Daten bin ich schon mal nen ganzes Stück weiter. In diesem Sinne, weiterhin gute Fahrt! :-D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I hope to fit a Malossi 210 to mine eventually so I would be grateful for the information received from this question too. Good luck.

Bearbeitet von Juan Kerr

yo grandma kicker, :-D

you both sort of head in the opposite direction.

he is talking about getting it back stock, to calm the other oldie topic readers. :wasntme:

And now Malossi ? ;-):-D



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
yo grandma kicker,  :-D

you both sort of head in the opposite direction.

he is talking about getting it back stock, to calm the other oldie topic readers.  :wasntme:

And now Malossi ?  ;-)   :-D





in general she is right. But its all a matter of time and money. latter is of main interest, because iam just a student. therefore, the first thing i will do, to be really honest, before getting it back stock, is driving the grandma in the condition i got it. this means, i will drive her with the px engine inside and because iam living close to the mountains iam thinking of a 207 Polini on it as well (the Polini is lying around anyway). Next winter = new paint and some other parts, but right know i would say, the engine is not as bad to get her on the road again. A Vespa needs to be driven! ;-)

check: http://www.scooterhelp.com/restorations/vbb.html

Bearbeitet von berchmopped
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
yo grandma kicker,   ;-)

you both sort of head in the opposite direction.

he is talking about getting it back stock, to calm the other oldie topic readers.  :wasntme:

And now Malossi ?  :-D   :-D




Ah,sorry for the crossed wires.

I'd just like to say I will be using mine as my main scooter when it is done but I will be cleaning,stripping and storing the origional part's to rebuild it as standard at a later date,so hold the lynch mob. :grins:

I'll have a look for the bulb's I have and report back with what I have fitted if you can offer me the same from yours,Berchmopped. ;-)

Out of intrest,which fork are you using?Is it a Rally or PK?


Bearbeitet von Juan Kerr

PK fork ? :-D

iihh, shit - now i notice the PK front brake drum on berchmoppeds picture. ;-)

This is not an oldie, its a zombie.

He'll never make it home alive from the Vespa gathering. :-D

They'll tear him as his cultural nightmare into pieces. ;-)

Don't show 'em your Polini tattoo Berchmopped :-D



PK fork ?  ;-)

iihh, shit - now i notice the PK front brake drum on berchmoppeds picture.  ;-)

This is not an oldie, its a zombie.

He'll never make it home alive from the Vespa gathering.  ;-)

They'll tear him as his cultural nightmare into pieces.  ;-)

Don't show  'em your Polini tattoo Berchmopped  :-D




Dear Sofie

no touchi! Noone tears my Grandma with her "modern" stockings! :-D Its definetly not a PK-Fork. iam actually not really sure from which model it is, but one thing is for sure: Its old! Could be a rally fork. i will investigate it and send some pictures.

Regards, Berchmopped :-D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ich mach dir später mal Fotos und setz sie hier rein....

Nächstes WoE kommt die kleine dann zu dir nach Freiburg

Gruß Heimatstation Monasteria






Hoffe die Fotos helfen zur identifizierung der Gabel weiter...

Bearbeitet von Tobi - MS

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