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the jim jones revue...


für freunde des gepflegten 60's garagen rock.

wer kommenden mittwoch in hamburg unterwegs ist und keine lust auf kings of leon hat,

sollte sich unbedingt die jungs im molotow ansehen. die vorband ist auch nicht zu verachten :thumbsdown:


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Paul Stanley - Hide your Heart

zum Mitbrüllen:

Johnny saw her riding on a street car named Desire, his fate was sealed

She could see him coming like a hundred other liars, it was no big deal

Rosa had a lover on the shady side of town, Tito, he was king of the streets

She was his possession like a jewel on his crown, Johnny better run, better run


Better hide your heart, better hold on tight

Say your prayers, 'cause there's trouble tonight

When pride and love battle with desire

Better hide your heart, 'cause you're playing with fire

The ride was over but the story doesn't end, he took her heart

She looked him in the eye and said they couldn't meet again

You could see the trouble start

The word went out that Rosa's messin' with someone, it was on the street

Tito looked for Johnny with a vengeance and a gun

Johnny better run, better run


Johnny's holdin' Rosa on a rooftop in the night, as time stood still

They couldn't hear him coming 'til he had them both in sight

You could feel a chill

A shot ran out like thunder and the blood was on her hands, with nothing won

When someone lies dying, lovers finally understand


Bearbeitet von Ludolf
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