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Classic Scooter Race Demo, 7-8-2005

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aus dem holländischen Forum, geschrieben von JohnVT:

Wenn mich nicht alles täuscht, heißt das, er ist kurz vor der Fertigstellung?  :-D  Oder was meint der Niederländer, wenn man noch ein bischen Geduld haben soll?

Gruß Dirk

Edit war fleißig und fügt schonmal einen Trailer ein:




the people that did the filming and that put the camera on my scoot did it for free as a favour for me (one of their clients). Problem is that they have been REALLY really busy at work so they havent had time to do the edit (they have a total of 8 hours of footage!). this means that I still have wait maybe a week or a bit longer. I'm sure it will be great when its done! I will let you know when I have it!



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Good news - got the DVD in - looks really good.

I have one copy for the German riders so between you can you discuss who has the best capability to burn copies for the others. I'm sure you will like the DVD - its all very professional! So if you figure that out please give me an address & I'll pop it in the post




Good news - got the DVD in - looks really good.

I have one copy for the German riders so between you can you discuss who has the best capability to burn copies for the others. I'm sure you will like the DVD - its all very professional! So if you figure that out please give me an address & I'll pop it in the post



hey john,

the two geezers on the yelow shit are unreliable cunts. not trustworthy. still, what choice is there? i reckon armin or dirk will get in touch and they/we will certainly hand copies over to the other guys. thanks for the effort, mate, well done.


hey - you're funny :-D

I've just popped the main edited DVD (with 4 different cuts) & the additional unedited "on scoot cam" to Armin so he should get them both on Monday.

Dont worry you are in the edited film - quite funny and I think the nice finnish girl likes you.

Please let us know what you think of the edit!


hey - you're funny :-D

I've just popped the main edited DVD (with 4 different cuts) & the additional unedited "on scoot cam" to Armin so he should get them both on Monday.

Dont worry you are in the edited film - quite funny and I think the nice finnish girl likes you.

Please let us know what you think of the edit!


fininsh?!? that's what she was then. I've always known there had to be a place somewhere with a female population ready to appreciate a mixture of strong body odour and shallow jokes. wish it would have been something a bit further south though.

fininsh?!? that's what she was then. I've always known there had to be a place somewhere with a female population ready to appreciate a mixture of strong body odour and shallow jokes. wish it would have been something a bit further south though.

Ha ha! My wife is Finnish too so I think you are right! :-D Anyway the girl on the camera lives in Amsterdam so its not so far.

Ha ha! My wife is Finnish too so I think you are right! :-D Anyway the girl on the camera lives in Amsterdam so its not so far.

i wasn't complaining about the distance, i'm more concerned with the climate. and that's not exactly tropical in amsterdam either (probably the main reason for the strong british colony you seem to have there). be that as it may: make sure you have the event going again next year, certainly to good not to be repeated.

the two geezers on the yelow shit are unreliable cunts. not trustworthy. still, what choice is there? i reckon armin or dirk will get in touch and they/we will certainly hand copies over to the other guys.

Also von den zwei unzuverlässigen Fotzen wirst DU sicherlich keine DVD bekommen... :-D

Gruß Dirk

Also von den zwei unzuverlässigen Fotzen wirst DU sicherlich keine DVD bekommen... :-D

Gruß Dirk

mir reicht das schon wenn die vorzeigefotze armin da was abschickt, muß ja nicht alles redundant gemacht werden. den armin habe ich gestern, hoffe ich, schon mit verweis auf womo-kuscheln "gekauft".


@John .


Its very nice to see us slutz on a video, very funny ! Everything is looking soo fast :-D

Also the cover and the menue is great, very professionell !! Thank you very much !!

I`ve send a copy to Mathias and Dirk, and if it is allowed I´ll send copys to the other germans.

Hope we`ll see us again next year on an dutch track :-D




Congratulation John, great movie. It was probably lot of work, but well done. I am speechless! :-D

Great that you divide the DVD into five parts. As Armin allready said, very professional.

So I am looking forward to race again next year and please a complete weekend as someone said in the video.

Matthias: Alter, geiles Interview über die Lackierung deiner RanzReuse. :-D

PaolaUschiHorstKurtRenate: Was machst du da eigentlich mit deinem Lenker????

Regards Dirk


vielleicht hätt ich mich damals schlicht mit "Hallo ich bin Jan" vorstellen sollen... :-D

ich weiß nich, was meinste denn mit Lenker ?

Obwohl ich kann mich grad erinnern, daß ich probiert habe ihn mitm Kuhfuss runter zu hebeln.

ich hatte die Lenkerschraube noch drinnen... :wasntme: :grins:


Geb dem Armin doch einfach mal deine Addi. Dann kann er dir doch sicherlich als Teilnehmer an dieser Veranstaltung auch eine DVD brennen. Ihr werdet da sicherlich schon einig.

Dann siehst du auch, dass du an dem Lenker wie blöde gezogen hast und die ganze Aktion auf Video ist. :-D

Nur als Jan vorstellen sollen? Ich fand die Begrüßung, "Hallo ich bin UschiKurtHorstPaolaJanRenate" ganz treffend.

Gruß Dirk


Jetzt werd mal nich lustig Günther :-D

Ist bestimmt schön, wie ich da Gorilla-mäßig an dem armen Roller rum mache.

Auslöser der ganzen Hektik war ein 2 meter Rutscher übers neue Vorderrad vor den Augen meiner Holländischen Nachbarn. Ich war den Roller vorher nicht gefahren und wußte nicht, daß die Bremse beim betätigen blockiert.

Du hättest mal deren Augen sehen sollen. :-D

Also habe ich halt 5 min. vor dem Start noch schnell den Zug getauscht.

Vielen Dank nochmal für die Bowdenzughülle und die Schraubnippel an die netten Holländer.


Sonst bin ich eher ruhig u. besonnen unterwegs.



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