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Excuse me for the English, my german is a little rusty to say the least.

I was wondering if someone rides the combination of a Imola with TMX27 carb on a GP/DL?

I have a GP-Imola with a PHBH30BS carb. There is no place for an airfilter and as I don't like cutting the panels I rather change the carb.

Is it possible to fit a Mikuni TMX 27 on the Imola rubber inlet and also use an airfilter inside the panels?

Anyone tried this combination? I thought the TMX27 is also available with Powerjet?

Who stock such a carb and the supplies (duze,...) for it?

greetings, Kurt LCB

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

You can take a GP Rubber for original Air Box, put it on the carb and take the airfilter on it.

A friend of mine has it like this, with a 30 PHBH on an original 200 and it works.



Bearbeitet von schlucke
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

honestly, i don´t remember anyone here (GSF) riding an imola. i do recall some old topics about it though. it seems that currently there are more mugellos around then imolas. of course the ts1 fraction is still the largest!

since the imola has a reed valve and the carb sits on the right hand side, comparing it with an original 200 doesn`t really help.

you still have the option to run your scoot without restriction (airfilter). or you can shorten the intake manifold to get more room under the side panel.

possibly the best source for mikunis is topham. they should have anything you need.

Bearbeitet von madmaex08

for mikuni-carbs also ask at grand-prix-scooters/ pro porting. they should stock them and will be able to help with the setup.

:-D i thought this topic was about keeping the side panel in one piece (whole)?  ;-)


Oohps, :-Dunholed latürnich. ;-):-D


the tmx 27 and 30 fits with the imola rubber. ( same as phbl 28/30) i use it with ram air filter on my 2. ser. a friend use this kit on his sx 200 (with ts1) but the sx 200 panels are a bit wider than the standart 3. ser. panels. but i never tried this.

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