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I take the opportunity of this thread to ask a question :-D

I'm still undecided whereas I should open my engine to change the 2.34 primary for a 2.55.

The good thing about the 2.34 is that it is less stressfull for the primary elastic thing and for the gearbox, even if the scooter is maybe less agressive...


My experience with the 2.34 (while I was jetting doing massive acceleration) is that the scooter start to lift the front wheel "by itself" in 2nd gear :sabber: , so I was thinking that maybe the 2.34 is fun enough... Actually I'm affraid of what could happen with the 2.55 :-D:-D and I'm also concerned about "reliability" (even if of course, this engine will brake one day :D)

My question is: According to you, does a 2.55 primary make sense on a ~17+Hp engine smallframe ?

P.S: Yes, I have a zirri short 4th ;-)

My question is: According to you, does a 2.55 primary make sense on a ~17+Hp engine smallframe ?


yes. :-D

depending on the powerband. I do need a short fourth gear, to keep going. the blue one is my current ride.


Okay :-D that's interesting...

I guess I need a dyno diagram to see if it worth to keep or not the actual 2.34 primary...

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