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Loctite 518 on exhaust gasket surface

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150? I'd say that won't last long. On my engine I use Dirko HT. 250°C and up to 300 for a shorter period of time. Until now, it still lasts but I've burned this stuff also on earlier engines. :-D

Make a sexy about 1mm thick copper gasket and apply some 250+°C silicone sealant additionally if you want to. Should last for at least a couple of thousand km then.

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150? I'd say that won't last long. On my engine I use Dirko HT. 250°C and up to 300 for a shorter period of time. Until now, it still lasts but I've burned this stuff also on earlier engines. :-D

Make a sexy about 1mm thick copper gasket and apply some 250+°C silicone sealant additionally if you want to. Should last for at least a couple of thousand km then.


By the way, do you use it also for your cylinder gasket ? Because I've been adviced to use Loctite 518 (from a kart engine builder)...

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yes, you can find high temperature silicone sealant everywhere on my engine. Also on the cylinder head sealing surface (only when I am not using an o-ring, that is).

There is also a 5mm or so rabbet all around my cylinder to cases sealing surface, because sealing area is rather small on some of my cylinders.

It may not look professional but I've never again had and issues since I am doing so. :-D

Maybe Loctite does the trick also, but I've never tried it. Dirko (HT or normal) and Würth Silikon Spezial are excellent, whereas Curil sucked.

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