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Has anyone any experiance of using this kit?

I'm intrested in this for a future project and have an Australian friend who is currentley looking to buy a kit and feel's this may suit his need's.

I presume this is a standard barrel with the GS piston included and as such will require the port's chamfering and possibaley a hone to increase the piston to barrel tolarances.

Can anyone confirm this or offer any advice on it? :-D

Many thanks.


The guys here are often driving the Polini barrel with a Malossi piston (called Polossi) so i don't believe that someone tried this kit.

such will require the port's chamfering and possibaley a hone to increase the piston to barrel tolarances.

Thanks Micha,I thought as much.

I have considered a Polossi myself but when I saw this I thought it may be worth a try with the stronger piston.I may look out for a 2nd hand barrel and get the piston on it's own.

Thanks again.

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