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i got my scooter running it wwas running great i pulled it apart to check everything was ok. the bottom of the cylinder that fitting into the sigot of the case on the intake side was broken. i have taken it to a shop of a friend he can weld and fix it i'd be looking at having to get it re nicasiled at approx 400$ i'm starting to wonder if it is worth it. what do you think of rthe new mr2000 iron or the fabrizi stuff? is there any way or any chance i could find a replacement cylinder and suggestions at all. i loved the way this kit ran even before i got all the jetting right.

i'd appreciate any ideas or suggestion you have.

if I were you, I'd try WORB5 http://www.worb5.com/. take a look at his homepage and lambretta TS1 and malossi 210 re-works...

he is used to work like this like spigot re-weld, incl. re-spindle the bore and re-nicasil will be a job worth while. those cylinders are worth it.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

And the Fabrizi's you get there at Grand Sport, too. But there is not that experience yet...yet! :-D


Bearbeitet von pennah
i got my scooter running it wwas running great i pulled it apart to check everything was ok. the bottom of the cylinder that fitting into the sigot of the case on the intake side was broken. i have taken it to a shop of a friend he can weld and fix it i'd be looking at having to get it re nicasiled at approx 400$ i'm starting to wonder if it is worth it. what do you think of rthe new mr2000 iron or the fabrizi stuff? is there any way or any chance i could find a replacement cylinder and suggestions at all. i loved the way this kit ran even before i got all the jetting right.

i'd appreciate any ideas or suggestion you have.

400 US-$ sounds a little bit too expensive. Or do you mean Canadian $ ? Then the price would'nt still be cheap but ok...

In the US there are numerous shops that offer cylinder repairing/welding and replating. I think you should find shops which offer replating at around 200 US-$. The costs of the welding depend always on how much work there is to do...

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