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... wich is the only original one. the one for px and the one with 19mm cone have been modified. the px type usually has a second slot:


you can use that one, if you use the correct slot.

for the 19mm version another cone has been riveted into the original flywheel, so you can´t use it...

Any PX/PK HP4 flywheel will work with my setup, is that correct ? (especially with ET3 stator)

once again: YES it will :-D:-D

any HP4 flywheel will work with your ET3 ignition. Only thing you have to make sure is that it fits your crank. If it fits PX engines it will also fit 20/20 cranks and ETS (24/25mm) cranks.

There is a new HP4 flywheel on the market for a couple of weeks now which fits 19mm cranks (only), it's the only one you should not get.


Yes I know you already told me :-D

But it was just to make sure, one more time :-D , that I wasn't mistaken... :)

Btw, if I find a PX only HP4 flywheel (I don't even know if it exists !), it will fit my 20/20 large cone crank but I will have to deal with the timing of the ignition, right ?

So, the interesting thing is that I didn't know that I could put a standard PX flywheel on this configuration ! :plemplem:

KTy - :-D

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