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Dutch Scooter Show 13 Nov


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as the title says - we have the first dutch scooter custom show in holland on Nov 13th. Its all quite low key as its the first time in holland so no all nighter unless you want to come to amsterdam first.

All info can be found here. amsterdam vespa & lambretta club site & forum

hope to see some germans then in Amersfoort!


John from Amsterdam.

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hi john

nice to hear from you.

good luck with your custom show. phil and shelly from newcastle are in india at that time, so they will probably not come over.

congratulations: your football team did it this time. so we meet in germany next year!?


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Hey all

Sorry cooper & others ? I didn?t reply to this earlier ? I forgot to click the ?notify of replies? option. Yep it?s still on and would be nice to see some of our german neighbours over. Although it won?t be as big as Paris it will be safer to leave your car!  Indeed not ideal that it was organized the same weekend as Paris ? the Lambretta Club of Netherlands weren?t aware of the custom show and when I asked them to change it it was too late ? to be honest most of them weren?t even aware of a paris custom show. I am now recently a member of the Lambretta Club Netherland?s board so will make sure that it doesn?t happen next year. I did notify Olivier of this and apologized for this ? it clearly wasn?t intentional.

Currently of the 40 spaces there are still 8 left so feel free to put a scooter in for the show ? knowing the quality of most german bikes I would be surprised if you wouldn?t pick up a prize. Let me know if you have questions otherwise feel free to send Cor an email with your details: [email protected] if you want to put your bike in. Also there are quite a few stands left in case you have some scooter stuff to sell.

Many thanks


PS - this is holland's first attempt at a custom show so please bear this in mind!

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Ok - cool! If you bring your GL then you will definately win - remember the scooter scene in Holland isnt quite the same!

I will bring my Worb Ts1 TV 175 with me - so you can see all the parts on it that you polished & chromed! :-D

Did you register or do you want me to send the organisation an email for you?

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