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The Kings of Nuthin are a fucking kickass band and good friends of mine. When I was at the Marl races, some people from Koln were playing them, so I know at least a handful of the scooterist like them. They are incredibly crazy, set things on fire, drink too much, break shit, steal crap, and often get arrested by the police (they play good music too). Here are their tour dates, you wont be dissappointed!


18/11 - 17/12/2005

If you go, tell them the EP told you about them and that you are a scooterist.

I also hope to see some of you in Vegas too.

Allston EP



saw them 3 times...will see them in november in hamburg again...top live band!!

and their LPs are also great!!


They will probably head over to 20 Flight Rock after the Hamburg show. Olaf, one of the owners, is friendly with them; though I did have to take him some repayment gifts from the last time they cause trouble there. All in good fun. EP

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