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Lelystad classic scooter races 12 & 13 august

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enjoy the nightlife in beautiful Lelystad city centre... :-D

Vor allem sollte man vor dem Essengehen seinen Vergaser richtig feste anziehen, sonst kommen wieder holländische Automatik Kiddies, die einem den Vergaser klauen wollen. :plemplem:

Gruß Dirk

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the times arent really known yet - figuring this out in the next couple of days. I think it will probably start a little earlier than noon - maybe by 11am but as it isnt possible to camp at the racetrack on the friday night I think it wont be before 11am. Lelystad really is a shit hole new town so I wouldnt bother going out there or staying there on the friday night. I would stay in amsterdam on the friday night. If my bike is finished on time I will definately go out. Amazombie & Harry Barlow etc will also be out that evening. I would then stay at Camping Zeeburg - http://www.campingzeeburg.nl/ & then leave the next morning as its only 35 to 40 mins to the track from amsterdam.

On the slicks vs no slicks this still isnt clear - I think they probably wont be allowed but this will determined on the day by the technical committy. To be safe I'm using race tires (sawa or dunlop) that have a rain tread and are therefore allowed. Definately make sure you dont just bring slicks just in case.

@ Dirk - did they steal your carb? Little fuckers!

Question: Is the TT91 a Slick ? It`s one of the best tires when wet......



yep - these are fine! Any tires with a tread is fine (they dont need to be E5 approved or anything). I'm still pushing for slicks - they may be allowed in the expert classes if its bone dry (but with a hint of rain or wet track they will be banned)- will let you know the decision on this in the next few days. Does the ESC allow full slicks?

Also done a prelimenary assignment of bikes & riders to the classes and we have made the following ammendments as most riders & bikes in the 180cc class are experienced and have tuned scooters so there is now no need to have a 180cc plus beginners class (if there are some people feeling uncomfortable in the 180cc plus experts class then we can always move them into a lower class).

So its now:

Class 1: upto 105cc - Beginners & Experts

Class 2: 106cc and more - Beginners

Class 3: 106cc to 180cc - Experts

Class 4: 180cc and more - Experts

I've taken the liberty of putting all the germans in the expert classes :-D (but this can be changed on the day)

Will put the full brochure with all the times, classes, racers etc up as soon as I get it - maybe even tomorrow if Frank gets it done.




the times arent really known yet - figuring this out in the next couple of days. I think it will probably start a little earlier than noon - maybe by 11am but as it isnt possible to camp at the racetrack on the friday night I think it wont be before 11am. Lelystad really is a shit hole new town so I wouldnt bother going out there or staying there on the friday night. I would stay in amsterdam on the friday night. If my bike is finished on time I will definately go out. Amazombie & Harry Barlow etc will also be out that evening.

i'd hoped randy andi and my little tete a tete would remain our dirty secret, but from what i read here it sounds like a fully fledged riot squad has been raised to take care of the situation. so be it then: toyboy andrew: that's your name crossed of my little list of potential partners in the everylasting quest for carnal pleasure. tough, that's true, but then you did ask for it, didn't you?


ich würde sooo gerne mit meiner Alltags fuffie in Holland fahren. :-D

dem ganzen Roller fahrenden Bekanntenkreis gehe ich seit Wochen auf die Eier, und keiner hat Lust. :-D(

fährt jemand aus Norddeutschland da hin und nimmt mich mit ?

oder möchte jemand aus Norddeutschland da hin und teilt sich mit mir den Diesel für die Klempner Pritsche ?


ich würde sooo gerne mit meiner Alltags fuffie in Holland fahren. :-D

dem ganzen Roller fahrenden Bekanntenkreis gehe ich seit Wochen auf die Eier, und keiner hat Lust. :-D(

fährt jemand aus Norddeutschland da hin und nimmt mich mit ?

oder möchte jemand aus Norddeutschland da hin und teilt sich mit mir den Diesel für die Klempner Pritsche ?


hau doch mal olli ets an, der hat vorhin am telefon noch gemeint er würde eventuell auch wollen.



Yes I do actually! Frank has just updated his site: Race update its in dutch but should be self explanatory. If you feel you have been put in the wrong class then it can be corrected on the day. If you registered recently (or on the day as this will be possible!) then it maybe that you havent been added yet - I know at least of 5 that arent on there yet but if you're German you will probably be put in the expert class. :-D

The day starts pretty early on the saturday so I think many people will miss the 10am kickoff so I think you can consider the first race more as practise time but we'll see on the day. Also its going to be very wet on friday but better on Sat & Sunday but its windy in NL so the track should dry out very quickly like it did last year.



Klasse A (1): Alle scooters tot en met 106cc

Klasse B (2): Scooters boven 106cc, beginners

Klasse C (3): Scooters vanaf 106 tot en met 180cc, experts

Klasse D (4): Scooters boven 180cc, experts



The night saturday/sunday.....are there toilets and is it possible to get a shower ? (not the rain......)

Is a camping near lelystadt ?



yep - there are toilets on the race track that will be open all day & night and I'm pretty sure (90% sure) there are showers there as well. People camp on the grounds all the time like we will but I dont think there is electricity you can use or your caravan/ tent or van.

Are you looking for a camping for the friday night? Just did a search and this seems to be the only one - lelystad camping - auf deutsch Like i mentioned before lelystad is really dull so it may be worth trying amsterdam camping instead and then you can have a night out in amsterdam. Its only 45 mins away from the track. http://www.campingzeeburg.nl/

hope that helps!


PS - I got a PM asking about the numbers. Most of the numbers are fixed already but if you already have numbers on your bike then dont worry as was the case last year we have rally boards with each of the race numbers printed up - which everyone will get 1.


Thanks to John and his team from the lambretta club netherlands for such a great weekend.for me it was a lot of fun and practise.and then also the relaxed and friendly atmosphere on the track.

well done and definetly next year again!


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I'll certainly be back. great event, wonderfull mixture of people. and since everybody will now want to know who the bloke with the great pictures is: here's one with him on it! He's the guy in the front, and he's clearly enjoying himself.


Bearbeitet von amazombi

Aaaahhh,jetzt weiss ich auch wofür der komische trichter war.und oben kommt noch ein schlauch mit nem trichter drauf und dann erstmal schön lauwarme kamillen spüllung.das befreit!


Aaaahhh,jetzt weiss ich auch wofür der komische trichter war.und oben kommt noch ein schlauch mit nem trichter drauf und dann erstmal schön lauwarme kamillen spüllung.das befreit!


und das beste iss: im oktober habe ich noch termine frei! also schön anmelden, und den anderen nasen auch bescheid sagen dass es noch was gutes gibt dieses jahr.


thanks for making & hosting these Maarten (& thoas) they are all really awesome!

A big thanks to all the germans for coming all the way over - was great to have so many of you. We will definately do it again next year. I just love that scooters from standard to highly tuned and riders of all abilities can ride together like that and have so much fun. Bring on the ring!


Na siehste! Meine Freunding bekomtm am WE ihren ersten Roller ? Sie ist auch noch nie gefahren. Da versuchen wir das doch mal von Anfang an richtig zu machen :-D Dann darf die zukünftig meine Karren bewegen ? 40 Kilo machen schon was aus :-D

@ Mr10: Nice pictures!

Martin? bist du das? :-D


"Bow, wie assi ist das denn, eine SKR Gabel auf einer Smallframe!" :-D

Gruß Dirk

der martin sah' richtig entschlossen aus auf seinem kackstuhl. der hat am kabel gezogen als ob's kein morgen gäbe, sehr guter mann.

und das beste iss: im oktober habe ich noch termine frei! also schön anmelden, und den anderen nasen auch bescheid sagen dass es noch was gutes gibt dieses jahr.

Hab ne Krankenschwester zur Frau.Die macht mir das umsonst! :-D

...Das war das letzte Rennen, wo ich nicht dran teilnehmen konnte.

Mehr Bilder bitte! :wasntme:

Gruß Dirk

das rede ich mir auch immer ein. :-D

mehr bilder!!!

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