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Enhanced spark energy For electronic ignition !

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Too bad you did not told me at that time ;-)

Oh, i did (July 2010) and you asked me to send pics, but i forgot about that, my fault.

To your list:

0. Connection checked twice with your manual in the other hand

a. Engine runs "normally" if SM removed

b. I've got to check

c. You mean the isolated coil, right? How to differ between "good condition" and "bad condition" but working?

d. Is an original one, but I'll try another one

e. I'm confused - do you mean the isolated coil on the stator (c. in the list?) ?

f. I'll have a look at

Thanks for support.

Edit: Capacity between green input and output ist about 4,6µF.

Bearbeitet von scth2000

c. I meant the "white/red/green wires", they wear after some years...

e. See picture illustrating post #225. Yes, the coil which is alone.

e. + f. Fastest might be to try another stator plate. Takes a bit more time, but it might be worth it...


a. checked

c. checked

d. tried 2 different black "made in italy" cdis

e&f. tried 2 different "made in italy" stator-plates

After changing the stator plate the effect changed from "not reving up" to "bad ignition in higher revs".

The last thing I'll try is a really new spark plug, maybe I'll try a new pickup in some time.

Do you think it's a good idea to remove the copper-thing wich is mounted to the high-voltage-coil?


Meinst ist das mit originalem PK-Rad auf originaler PK-Zündung notwendig?

Wenn ja, wie am besten prüfen?

Wenn´s auch noch original zusammengebaut ist und über´s Band gut funkt, brauchst nix messen.

Ansonsten mit Tiefenmesser & Bezugspkt & rechnen.


Dreht ohne SM ganz normal hoch, keine (merkbaren) Zündaussetzer. Vielleicht ist aber wirklich das Pickup am sterben, alt genug wäre es ja.


Wenn das so ist, könnte bei ungünstiger CDI-Kabelverlegung ein Übersprechen (EMV) der höheren Ladespg. auf die PU-Ltg möglich sein.

Abhilfe: PU (rt) & Masse (ws) verdrillt führen.

  • 1 Monat später...

Any news out here?


Cheers Bo :cheers:

Yes indeed, the Smart Booster is a compact module that changes the timing through 16 retard curves that you select using the rotary switch.
In terms of timing, you can select from about -3degree@8000rpm to -13degree@8000rpm (testing in progress).
It will reduce the kickstart kick-back effect.
And it will include the acclaimed and now mature Spark Magnifier technology !

Currently doing our best to make it available by end of the year at a competitive price !



Actually, here is a quick update on the Spark Magnifier, version 2013: It will be finally packaged !!  :wheeeha:



Should be available in a couple of months... ! Check Facebook: www.facebook.com/kytronik


  • 2 Wochen später...

For once, I was faster than announced (see above) ! :-D



New Spark Magnifier 2013 with integrated top porno Design ! :-D


The 2012 version was technically mature, the 2013 version finalize the product by integrating (finally) a blue polyurethane plastic casing !

Easier to manipulate, increased mechanical robustness and maximum electrical isolation !





Get it online on www.kytronik.com/sm2013 !!  :wheeeha:  :cheers:

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  • 1 Monat später...

Any news regarding optimum electrode gap while using a SM? Just read something about 1,3-1.4mm in this topic. Did someone figure it out?


Irgendwelche Neuigkeiten bzgl. optimalem Elektrodenabstand bei Verwendung eines Spark Magnifiers?


KTy mentioned middle of 2013 on fb ... which is "now" :sigh:


but I think regarding competitive products, he's taking "testing"
serious and'll go to market with sth. perfect/worth waiting for :-)



Yup, sorry guys, but I am taking what it takes to minimize issues; for me to spend my time supporting problem and your time, money and disappointment !


SO,  to update you:

* A new batch of Spark Magnifier has been sent into production, including minor improvements

* The first batch of the new Smart Booster has been sent into production ! 

Both should be back beginning of July. :cheers:


Because of the cost of the above, even though it is ready, the vCDI will be further delayed  :censored: . But, if you buy a lot of Smart Booster then I can start the vCDI very soon  :-D.


Changed a component reference,  few percent "better" and slightly cheaper. Already tested during the Smart Booster validation phase.


Actually, there is more (I forgot :P), so to summarize, here is the complete changelog:

Changed a component reference,  few percent "better" and slightly cheaper. Already tested during the Smart Booster validation phase.

* Longer female connector (+2.8mm) to make sure the Spark Magnifier is totally secure on top of the CDI

* Slighlty different 3D urethane packaging. Added some foolproof pattern and a notch for a potential plastic cable tie.



  • Like 1

V. 2013 arrived today. Took 5mins to mount it (for the most part, it was fiddling with the rubber cap). Works like a charm. (As did the old version.) :cheers:

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