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Enhanced spark energy For electronic ignition !


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@Nick: On its way, at a slow pace ;-) Usually 5 to 10 working days. (You should have received an update on the status of your order via email, oder ?!)

@Nakkl: Thanks for the feedback; Very much appreciated :cheers: . What do you mean with "Pickup eating engines" ? :rotwerd:

Bearbeitet von KTy
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What do you mean with "Pickup eating engines" ? :rotwerd:

Many guys in my region having issues with ignition electronical pickup units on stator plate ending with replacement of so called pickup unit. Eigther this is an quality issue of the big suppliers in German or don't know...

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Unfortunatly I cannot claim it is related to the SparkMagnifier :alien::-D

As far as I know from some French dealer parts, it is a known quality issue. There is a known mixed-up of various references that ends-up being used on our stator; Some fits and lasts, other don't.... That's all I know, mines never gave up !

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  • 3 Wochen später...

Möchte das Ganze auch nochmal hier posten, da es hier wohl von noch mehr Leuten gelesen wird als im Dienstleistungstopic.


Habe heute auch meine drei SM´s bekommen, leider mit 12€ Nachschlag vom Zoll :censored: als bitte nicht wie ich drei Stück zusammen bestellen :baaa:

Habe aber direkt das erste Teil auf meinen Malle Langhub geschmissen,

wichtig zu erwähnen, dass ich den Motor mit Agusto 7000 betreibe, dies bezüglich also keine Probleme.

Startverhalten unverändert würde ich sagen aber meine Bedüsung stimmt derzeit auch noch nicht, trotzdem das Gefühl,

dass der Motor wesentlich ruhiger läuft uuuuund seltsamerweise ist mein Bordstrom viel stärker.

Blinker funktionieren auch im Stand ordentlich und nicht erst wenn ich Standgas aufdrehe und das Licht wird auch nicht heller wie sonst immer,

weil es auch im Stand direkt ordentlich leuchtet :thumbsup:

Evtl. kann Barnie uns das mal erläutern, falls es dazu was zu sagen gibt.

Bin froh, dass ich mir direkt drei von den Dingern gekauft habe, so bekommt jede Karre einen :-D

Danke KTy

Hello KTy, as already pronounced I received my SMs, silly thing with the tax, so discount on my next vCDI with better luck next time :cheers:

However I´d like to inform U that I installed the first SM on my Malossi 221. Interesting for you it´s running simultaneous to my vCDI Agusto 7000 without any problems.

Can´t say anything regarding starting but my carb isn´t jetted 100% at the moment so my be it will get better, too.

However what I noticed is a softer behavior of the engine, it runs somehow smoother

but the best thing is that lights and indicators work perfect even when idling in front of the traffic light.

No more rise of brightness when reving up. :thumbsup:

Any idea how this can happen?

Thanks my friend, hopefully hear U soon for testing one of your vCDIs :-D



Bearbeitet von Nick Knatterton
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* For the custom tax, it is unfortunatly because you got "caught" and also because you took 3 Spark Magnifiers, so the parcel was a bit heavier and declared value was 3 times higher.... Will try to limit the risk in the future.

* FOr the lights and indicator, I can think of the benefits of a more "regular" idle associated maybe with a slightly higher idling RPM; both because of the Spark Magnifier delivering stronger energy at low rpm.


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Startverhalten unverändert würde ich sagen aber meine Bedüsung stimmt derzeit auch noch nicht, trotzdem das Gefühl,

dass der Motor wesentlich ruhiger läuft uuuuund seltsamerweise ist mein Bordstrom viel stärker.

Blinker funktionieren auch im Stand ordentlich und nicht erst wenn ich Standgas aufdrehe und das Licht wird auch nicht heller wie sonst immer,

weil es auch im Stand direkt ordentlich leuchtet :thumbsup:

Evtl. kann Barnie uns das mal erläutern, falls es dazu was zu sagen gibt.


Wie schon KTy anmerkt, könnte sich die LL-DZ (unbemerkt? - DZM?) erhöht haben und damit mehr Energie erzeugen.

Der kräftige Z-Funken brennt das Gemisch sauberer ab.

Wenn nicht, bleibt der Villard-Effekt, dass der Ladespule kürzer Strom entnommen wird und die magnetische Energie im 6er-Stern den Lichtspulen zugute kommt.

Macht aber nicht viel her: schätze ~10W.


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Bin mir nicht sicher, dass die Drehzahlerhöhung der Grund dafür ist, da ich ja gestern auch noch Bedüst habe, Nadel geändert und mit der LLGS gespielt habe, entsprechend dazu auch mit der Standgasschraube.

Werde es aber nochmal beobachten und berichten.

Den Aufbau der Agusto kennst Du ja evtl., gibt es da irgendwas, was auf Dauer gegen den gleichzeitigen Verbau mit dem SM spricht?


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DZM hätte ich auch gerne aber wie, ohne bohren, ori Optik verschandeln etc.

Evtl. wäre der neue SIP ne Möglichkeit aber war da nicht irgendwas bzgl. passt nur auf PX alt?

Edit: Sorry für OT

Der hier passt in jede Hosentasche / eingeb. Batt.

nur um´s Zündkabel wickeln - messen - und wieder weg ... ;-)

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  • 3 Wochen später...
  • 3 Wochen später...
  • 2 Wochen später...

Wanted to share with you some interesting findings; The new version is as a matter of facts even stronger than the previous one where we had about 3% field return; so far we had 0 issues over about 150 units sold ! :-D

One interesting point is that in one case, a user (from the US) had issues at full-throttle and high-RPM (2nd and 3rd gear). When the SM was removed, the engine was ok. So, faulty SM ? :-D

No, actually the issue was the HV coil of the stator ! :blink: Because the SM uses the full capabilities of your stator and CDI coil, you can end-up in such difficult to diagnose situation !

Here is a picture of the coil (apparently already changed once, maybe poor quality spare parts... ?!), good resistivity, poor isolation:


Last but not least, a small teaser...


More info and dedicated post will be created soon... :cheers:

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as soon as this sweet little smart booster is available i'll order.

my PX-200-engine is running with the spark magnifier for more than 3 years now. and i'm very happy with it.

just 1 week ago i had to remove it on the road (due to an accidential service-stop in the rain), and the

performance without the spark magnifier ist definitely measurable by my "popometer" :-)

lookin' forward for the smart booster :cheers:


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gibts fotos? :-D

aber nicht, dass du mir die ohren volljammerst, wenn du schwul geworden bist,

weil du sogar noch nachts von meinem hammerarsch feucht träumst.

aus uns wird nix. ich bleib da eisern dem weiblichen weltbevölkerungsanteil ver-

haftet :-D


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Yes indeed, the Smart Booster is a compact module that changes the timing through 16 retard curves that you select using the rotary switch.

In terms of timing, you can select from about -3degree@8000rpm to -13degree@8000rpm (testing in progress).

It will reduce the kickstart kick-back effect.

And it will include the acclaimed and now mature Spark Magnifier technology !

Currently doing our best to make it available by end of the year at a competitive price !


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  • 3 Monate später...

Hello Antoine,

here some feedback from my one:

I bought it about 3 years ago and mounted it on a LF-engine. At first it seemed to work, but after some time i had ignition problems in higher revs.

So I dismounted the SM and the engine ran fine again.

Almost forgotten, I picked up the SM yesterday and mounted it on an SF-engine - with the effect, that the engine runs only on idle but responds almost not on throttle opening.

Can I test the device somehow with my multimeter?

If it's necessary, I can take some pictures also.

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Too bad you did not told me at that time ;-)

1. As you got it 3 years ago, it is possible that the one of the component I was using at that time is the issue. I changed the reference in the 2012 version.

2. Having said that, and with quite some experience and feedback now, they are still some possibility that the SM is *not* the issue ;-). See post #225 above as an example !

To summarize: I would have a look at the following

0. Assuming you have correctly connected the SM (Left to right: white (stator), red (stator), green (stator), green (Kill)) and that the connectors are not touching each others

a. working engine :-D - Sounds obvious but...

b. NEW spark plug - Really NEW, not *almost* new

c. Stator wires in good condition - Especially behind the stator where you cannot see... :alien:

d. Try a working *Ducati original* CDI - Some (chinese/Indian) copy have different inner components

e. Check the high-voltage coil - Very hard to catch, the SM can create such trouble on end-of-life coils, see post #225

f. Check the pick-up - It seems that sometimes the extra-energy "harvested" on the stator and "discharged" in the spark-plug can cause some "perturbation" on the pickup side. Might be related to bad ground.

The only thing you could measure is the total "capacitance" between the green "input" (from stator) and the green "output" under the SM.

@Crank-hank: I don't really see any reason why it would not work with the Nology cable. Try and let us know :)

Bearbeitet von KTy
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