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Good night :-D

Two questions related to the following picture:


1. On the right: There is something like 1 or 2/10mm of difference height between the short 4th and the cruciform; The cruciform is higher... Does this means the bottom spacer (the one close to the 1st gear) is too thin ?

2. Left: I'm not sure you can see it well: The cruciform is only 500km (I had some trouble with my gears in 3rd and 4th) but already it is not "square" anymore, it's almost like a trapezoid now !

Poor quality pictures (blured :puke: ):





2.a. Should I change it ? :-D

2.b. Is the "reinforced" zirri cruciform really worth it ??

Thanks guys :-D

KTy - ;-)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

zirri cruciform is shit, definite no buy recommendation. don't worry about the shape of the edges, they always look like that, but that's not a problem if the shimming of the gears is right.

i'm not sure about the cruciform and the gear cog problem. sure the cog is not fitted upside down? try that first, then check what happens if you choose a larger shim on the other side. does the cruciform still rest correctly in the grooves of the respective gears? take all cogs of and start checking with first gear, put second gear in afterwards and check there also. everything ok?make sure the sliding dog's "protusions" rest as close to the centre of the grooves as possible when the gear in question is selected.

Bearbeitet von amazombi
zirri cruciform is shit, definite no buy recommendation. don't worry about the shape of the edges, they always look like that, but that's not a problem if the shimming of the gears is right.

i'm not sure about the cruciform and the gear cog problem. sure the cog is not fitted upside down? try that first, then check what happens if you choose a larger shim on the other side. does the cruciform still rest correctly in the grooves of the respective gears? take all cogs of and start checking with first gear, put second gear in afterwards and check there also. everything ok?make sure the sliding dog's "protusions" rest as close to the centre of the grooves as possible when the gear in question is selected.

I did what you say, starting from 1st gear and making sure the cruciform rest correctly in the grooves of each gears... And I end up this way ! I should double check this...

The problem is, I think, if I put a shim to minimize the play when the cruciform is in 1st, 2nd or 3rd gear, when I will try to switch to 4th, the cruciform will push on the shim...

I think that the cruciform MUST NOT be higher than the gear... I would appreciate other comments... :-D

1. On the right: There is something like 1 or 2/10mm of difference height between the short 4th and the cruciform; The cruciform is higher... Does this means the bottom spacer (the one close to the 1st gear) is too thin ?

exactly, they must be even at least. But first, turn your 4th gear around and see if it gets better. If the distance between 4th and 3rd gear is bigger than between 2nd and 3rd and the whole thing looks strange an weird, then it's mounted in correct manner.

exactly, they must be even at least. But first, turn your 4th gear around and see if it gets better. If the distance between 4th and 3rd gear is bigger than between 2nd and 3rd and the whole thing looks strange an weird, then it's mounted in correct manner.

thumbs up for gerhard. keep in mind it's zirri, so looking odd is part of the recipe.

exactly, they must be even at least. But first, turn your 4th gear around and see if it gets better. If the distance between 4th and 3rd gear is bigger than between 2nd and 3rd and the whole thing looks strange an weird, then it's mounted in correct manner.

Ok, so I think I got it. The gap between 3rd and 4th is already larger than between 2nd and 3rd, so I think it's the good side. I will try with a bigger bottom spacer to make the cruciform and the 4th gear almost at the same heigth...



Is it just a tad larger or is it REALLY HUGE, or, in other words, does it look wrong? Then it's right. :-D:-D

if you succeeded in this, next step is to check if the cruciform hits first gear in neutral, if so, area where cruciform hits is to be machined.

After that, make sure your 4th gear does not scratch inside your engine cases. If it does, grind cases carefully.

That's about it. :-D

Is it just a tad larger or is it REALLY HUGE, or, in other words, does it look wrong? Then it's right. :-D:-D

if you succeeded in this, next step is to check if the cruciform hits first gear in neutral, if so, area where cruciform hits is to be machined.

After that, make sure your 4th gear does not scratch inside your engine cases. If it does, grind cases carefully.

That's about it. ;-)

Whoa.... :-D I didnt know about these new (possible) issues....

Damn' f**** Zirri... :grr: :puke:

That's why the other 4th gear we talked about should *much* easier to install !! :love:


It is well possible that you get away with neither of these 2 issues. I know more Zirri gears that fit without grinding than I know cases in which people had to grind. And I don't know anyone but me who had to machine first gear.

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