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Hi guys :)

I'm looking for a quick information on the Malossi head adapted to the GS piston by GrandSport itself... :)

Does anyone know its volume ?

Should be something like 10-12cc... :-D

Thanks ;)

Hi guys :)

I'm looking for a quick information on the Malossi head adapted to the GS piston by GrandSport itself... :)

Does anyone know its volume ?

Should be something like 10-12cc... :-D

Thanks ;)

i seem to remember that compression ratio is 1:12 with 1mm squish. got a calculator?



With 1mm of squish and 1:12 of uncorrected compression ratio, it gives something like 11,09cc...

It shouldn't be that far from the truth... As Clauss told me the *average* squish height is 0.75mm and the squish surface was 50% ...


It shouldn't be that far from the truth... As Clauss told me the *average* squish height is 0.75mm and the squish surface was 50% ...

i'll look that up. the squish height seems rather low, i think it's 1mm.


p.s. one "s" only, please. i'm noth the guy who's selling urethane dampers.

i'll look that up. the squish height seems rather low, i think it's 1mm.


p.s. one "s" only, please. i'm noth the guy who's selling urethane dampers.

Sorry Claus :-D :wasntme:

And I have the Malossi GS head in front of me, the squish is 0.6mm on the outside... :-D But you told me that, as it makes a positive angle with the piston, the average squish height is 0.75mm ... Did I misunderstand ? :plemplem:


i think you're right. but anyway, i will look it up, just to be sure.

since you have that head on hand, why don't you just measure the head volume? ;-)



Err... Because... I don't have the tool to precisly measure... ?! :-D

I should go buy a syringe... :wasntme:

Hum, speaking of this Malossi head, is anyone riding with a long sparkplug (BxES) ? The hole is soooo long, I don't understand why one would use a small sparkplug (bxHS) :plemplem:

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