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With GS piston... I was planing to massively cut the skirt of the piston, but I'm affraid it could be too much.....


KTy - :heul:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Theoretically it should work, but mine was also similiar destroyed. I wouldn't use it, as the piston hasn't got the "guidance" it needs.

Mine looked like this


It is sad, because of the time and money you've already invested in that barrel, but move on, and buy a new one.

Bearbeitet von Dr.Tyrell

bonsiour (hope the spelling is at least half correct),

hate to say this, but the barrel is fucked. quite frankly i wouldn't put the money a gs piston represents into that ruin of a cylinder. it will definitely run, but it is by no means up to the standard of the rest of your engine. piece of advice for the next one: go for a window in the piston and don't cut the spiggot. according to my experience the gain in performance is negligible while the cutting weakens the remaining spiggot so much that it's difficult to hone the barrel cylindrically, and we have't even touched long term reliability then.


It was "bonsoir", so you were more than half right :-D

I'm pissed off... it is freshly rebored ! 0 km :puke: :-D;-)(

I don't know... I'm not looking for a daily rider... I had only two events planned for this year with this scooter...

I may do something "silly"... :-D :grr:

Shit ! :uargh:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

unable to add anythin' help/usefull, I found a matchin' pic ...

sorry for offtopic and the "fucked" barrel :-D:-D


Bearbeitet von Bluenote
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
my one looks the same(not the "willy" on the picture)

I´ve been driven it since i had rebuild my engine, means something about 1000km.

So I hope it will run a little longer. My one looks similar. That means the BP is open and the cylinder wall is cut away. But I still have this piece of cyliderwall left and right of the BP. Don´t know if that makes it anything better.

Bearbeitet von Bertl
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
my one looks the same(not the "willy" on the picture)

I´ve been driven it since i had rebuild my engine, means something about 1000km.

I guess that you cut the remaining cylinder wall... Did you reduce the piston skirt accordingly ?

Your piston skirt is totally asymmetric ? Like 1 or 2 cm longer on the exhaust side ?!

Bearbeitet von KTy

Personally I don´t see a benefit in reducing the piston skirt. How does that effect the guidance? I only see the disadvantage of the unbalance of the piston you´d produce...


no nothing like that. The cylinder wall was broken and I took the cylinder and build it on like it was (like yours at the moment). Did nothing with the piston on the boostport side. It was just a try. What are you expecting to happen? the piston can slope to the boostport side and may rubb on the cylinder. Result: I´ve got to buy a new cylinder and a new piston. That´s it.

Personally I don´t see a benefit in reducing the piston skirt. How does that effect the guidance? I only see the disadvantage of the unbalance of the piston you´d produce...

HUm... you're probably right. :wasntme:



I have good feelings. :-D

when you fear, that the guidance is lost now, why don't you put the split off piece directly into the engineblock? bolt it into the spigot bore.

maybe you will have a slight gap between cylinder and split off piece, but heck with it, it should still guide the piston. obviously worth trying, when you have rebored just recently.

just an idea. and the perfectionists here will scream, but wtf. I wouldn't care so much.

I have good feelings. :-D

when you fear, that the guidance is lost now, why don't you put the split off piece directly into the engineblock? bolt it into the spigot bore.

maybe you will have a slight gap between cylinder and split off piece, but heck with it, it should still guide the piston. obviously worth trying, when you have rebored just recently.

just an idea. and the perfectionists here will scream, but wtf. I wouldn't care so much.

:plemplem: ... bolt the split off piece direcly into the engine block... Errr... Isn't this even more risky rather than not putting anything... ??!! :heul:

I just measure, at BTDC the piston is guide for 4cm where the piece split off, while it is guide for 5.4cm on the other side of the boost port.

The question for me now is whereas I should keep it like this or cut the other side... I think I'm gonna try like on the picture...


sorry for my englisch :-D


i have cut my gs piston and at the side of the cylindr i have onley 0,5 cm rimainigg (becaus the inlet) but it works!

piston ist cutted that any thing can look in the inlet at ut inlet goes in 0,5 cm under the cylinder..

sorry for my englisch :-D


i have cut my gs piston and at the side of the cylindr i have onley 0,5 cm rimainigg (becaus the inlet) but it works!

piston ist cutted that any thing can look in the inlet at ut inlet goes in 0,5 cm under the cylinder..

@100 spezial: Can I ask you a drawing ? :wasntme:

Ok people, I'm going to try anyway... :haeh: :-D

Do you think I should keep the skirt on the other side of the boost port ?


I have sad it bevor my english isnt the best... :-D

ok im look in to make a zeichnung... :-D

i hope ists more understandeble.. :-D

(sorry bei meinem englisch kann ich wirklich nur lachen, ich hoff der versteht auch was ich meine...)


@ Kty: I would definitly give it a try. If you threw out the cylinder you would have to buy a new one. If you use the one that's shown above and it - eventually - breaks - you would also have to buy a new one. => Nothing to loose. So go ahead & try it. :-D

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