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Das Ergebnis des Tests kam für Björn und Silke dann doch überraschend.


Predictor:  Pregnancy Test


Ist schon älter, soll eine echte Werbung gewesen sein und scheint jetzt gerade rumzugehen.

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*Strictly 18+*



*A Delhi Mother was lucky enough to see that all her 3 Daughters got Married in the the same year. After the Marriage she called them and told them*


*"Dont forget to text me your first Night experience and text it in a Code Launguage."*


*So....... after a week, the 1st Daughter texted and it read as*




*and the next Week the 2nd Daughter texted as*




*The mother being an intelligent Woman went to get a Nescafe Tin and she read the Label on which it was written as* 


*"Fantastic till the Last Drop"*


*Then she went to her Husband's pack of WILLS Cigarette and it read as "Extra Long, King Size"*


*She smiled and said "not bad for their Ages".* 


*Subsequent week, the 3rd Daughter texted and it read as* 


*"Indigo Delhi Hyderabad",*


*The mother was not able to decode the message and then she called Indigo Airway's Helpdesk to enquire about their Delhi Hyderabad flight and they replied*


*"It's 5times daily, 7days a week, both ways and the duration of flight is 75 Mins".*


*Mother Fainted*

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... aus der Bedienungsanleitung der 91er Vespa PX XL automatik. Nix China-Roller oder sowas!




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  Am 24.3.2022 um 18:02 schrieb vespetta:

*Strictly 18+*



*A Delhi Mother was lucky enough to see that all her 3 Daughters got Married in the the same year. After the Marriage she called them and told them*


*"Dont forget to text me your first Night experience and text it in a Code Launguage."*


*So....... after a week, the 1st Daughter texted and it read as*




*and the next Week the 2nd Daughter texted as*




*The mother being an intelligent Woman went to get a Nescafe Tin and she read the Label on which it was written as* 


*"Fantastic till the Last Drop"*


*Then she went to her Husband's pack of WILLS Cigarette and it read as "Extra Long, King Size"*


*She smiled and said "not bad for their Ages".* 


*Subsequent week, the 3rd Daughter texted and it read as* 


*"Indigo Delhi Hyderabad",*


*The mother was not able to decode the message and then she called Indigo Airway's Helpdesk to enquire about their Delhi Hyderabad flight and they replied*


*"It's 5times daily, 7days a week, both ways and the duration of flight is 75 Mins".*


*Mother Fainted*


...der ist nur aus aus den 70ern rübergerettet..."welcome to PanAm - we start every 5 minutes" hieß er damals


70er jahre witz.

ein franzose , ein engländer und ein russe treffen sich und sinnieren über ihre transportmittel

der fransoze sagt , ums dorf fahren wir immer mit der ente und wenn wir ins ausland fahren nemen wir die ds.

der engländer sagt , wir fahren immer mini , aber im urlaub und ins ausland nehmen wir den jaguar

der russe sagt , in rusland fahren wir alle lada...

fragt der engländer , und was wenn ihr ins ausland fahrt ?

der russe : dan nehmen wir den panzer.

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Schon gewußt?

Wenn man das Logo der Chicago Bulls auf den Kopf stellt, sieht man ...


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- Eine Person in Schutzbekleidung, die ein Buch liest?

- Einen Roboter, der einen Blowjob von einer Krabbe bekommt?




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