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Hi, I bought a new grimeca 16mm disk brake kit...and I'm modifying the handlebar for a full hydraulik pump..but I've heard that could be problems with 16mm axe that is too weak and it can break!! it is true?

I don't want to sell all now... :heul:

cheers Marco :-D

Bearbeitet von FurlanPx
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

The 16mm axe wont brake into two, but while hard braking there wont be a straigt running.

Its better with a 20mm axe, but the scooter always do what he wants to do when the Frontbrake iss pushed as hard as you can :-D

Das Englisch hab ich nicht erfunden :-D

Edit think, if got a full hydraulic systhem

Bearbeitet von Jesus

i have got a full hy...... :-D

I need to drink a lot more beer to talk fluently to you :-D:-D

but not the axe alone iss thinner, the fork itselve iss also thinner than a PX lusso fork.

I would not use a px old fork with a full program px 200 engine

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