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hello to all,I'm new of the forum and I'm an Italian boy. :-D:-D:-D;-);-);-);-);-):-P:-D:-) (i love beer))) :-( I am preparing one vespa special with the 133cc polini, modifying it like the worb5. Who knows to say to me of how much goes increased the light of drainage, and the fasature of the cylinder? an other thing, I have seen on the situated one worb5, that they advise to use the head malossi; who knows to say to me of how much goes worked in order to obtain the just RDC and the just one squish. sorry for me English :-(( . hello to all :-(:-(:-(:-(

who knows to say to me of how much goes worked in order to obtain the just RDC and the just one squish.

I don't understand, what exactly You want to know. If You understand written german at a fair amount try this page: Vespa-hamburg.de. The guy who set up the site uses this setup on his PV.

Maybe You find an answer on et3.it, if You are not allready coming from there...

hello to all,I'm new of the forum and I'm an Italian boy. :-D:-D:-D;-);-);-);-);-):-P:-D:-) (i love beer))) :-( I am preparing one vespa special with the 133cc polini, modifying it like the worb5. Who knows to say to me of how much goes increased the light of drainage, and the fasature of the cylinder? an other thing, I have seen on the situated one worb5, that they advise to use the head malossi; who knows to say to me of how much goes worked in order to obtain the just RDC and the just one squish. sorry for me English :-(( . hello to all :-(:-(:-(:-(

ciao,di dove sei?


udine...ho fatto un salto qui in forum per cercare info sui cilindri polini lavorati da worb5, dato ke in italia non sono venduti.....ciao


se hai qualche domanda mi poi chiedere te lo traduco in italiano.

grazie 1000.....a me servirebbero info sull cilindro polini modificato da worb5, se magari sai linkarmi qualke topic....ancora grazie :-D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
grazie 1000.....a me servirebbero info sull cilindro polini modificato da worb5, se magari sai linkarmi qualke topic....ancora grazie :-D

si te lo cerco volentieri devo solo trovare il link e quello é un po un problema perché la ricerca qua nel forum non va non so perché ma provo a trovarlo lo stesso.

Bearbeitet von vespatuning

ciao ragazzi,

io desidero birra anche :-D io capisco nullo! Parlo tedeso o inglese, prego!

Dove sta la autodemolazione, prego? Udine buono autodemolazione, con molti vespa, ancor prima :-D


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