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For a project, I was looking for a PX125-150 crankshaft, longstroke (60mm) AND full-circle, I couldn't find any... it doesn't exist ?

Best :-D


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

what's wrong with the 200cc version (if you cannot find one for the 125)? the only major difference should be the smallend pin diameter, but there are suitable bearings with 20mm and 15 as outside and inside diameter respectively. any other difference (if there are any, i'm not sure about the outer edge on the driveside web. i believe it is there, but that's nothing that could not by corrected with an angle grinder) should be easy to deal with.

Bearbeitet von amazombi
... but there are suitable bearings with 20mm and 15 as outside and inside diameter respectively......

where to get ?

Scooter attack?

witch scooter model?


3. ? why not. I was thinking about lower rod bearing :-D

This is maybe right, but I was laughing about your joke. :-D

where to get ?

Scooter attack?

witch scooter model?


witch = die Hexe


Cheers Olli

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