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EGT utility ?


Empfohlene Beiträge

Is it a (very) good help for fine tuning, safely running and monitoring an engine ? Fast and accurate enough ?

KOSO or Stage6 experience ?

Finally, would you say that there is something more useful than en EGT sensor ?


KTy - :-D

Bearbeitet von KTy
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Something more useful than an EGT Sensor? Of course! Being able to listen to your engine...

I´ve got some trouble on my engine (wtf means "klingeln" in english? :-D ) I´m trying to deal with that problem by lowering the compression ratio and testig different jets and needles. Two weeks ago i fitted a Stage6 EGT Sensor to the exhaust and checked all the temperatures at different revs. Confusingly the temperature changes aren´t related to the jet changes. Generally the EGT rises when you user a leaner jet. The critical temperature when the combustion is not controlled by the ignition anymore is changing with every jet and needle change. For example: with a jet sized 300 t crit is 550°C. With a jet sized 280 its 530°C. You may predict if the temp is rising or falling but you´ll never know how much. You have to find it out while you are riding. The EGT sensor can only give some support in finding the correct jets. You still have to listen very careful to your engine.

The EGT Sensor ist useful for engine monitoring at cruise speed.

Bearbeitet von Arschbrand
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