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SIP Right hand hits the frame/die Backe


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I´m running my Vespa Super Sport with a polini207 engine, righthand auspuff and a SEBAC shock. For two years I have listened to the sounds of the end dämpfer hitting the frame when riding over small bumps on the road (quite annoying;-)). Likewise I haven´t been able to take my girlfriend for a spin.

Apart from the two obvious solutions:

1. perform a cut in the back of the right hand side Backe

2. Install a harder (and longer) shock, z.B. a Bitubo

Cutting the Backe is clearly not an option since Super Sport Backen don´t grow on the trees. Yet will a Bitubo solve my problems or duo you have other suggestions?

Any advice will be appreciated - please feel free to answer in german. Sorry for the anglo-german language mix.



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