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Since the best tuned smallframe vespas all come from germany i thought i would ask my question here.

What is the best clutch set up for a polini kit on an ET3?

once again apologies for not being able to ask in German. :-D


But remember that the XL II doesn't fit the "plug & play" way!

I would rather prefer an ordinary 3 Disk Clutch with a tough spring, or the usual 4 Disk assembly, works with no mods on the primary drive.

If your engine is close to an ET3...

Greetz to the Kindom



OFFT: What let's you thing johndregg is from the UK? if so johndregg where about are you living in the UK?

ONT: If you are in the low level polini tuning range (up to 13HP), I personally would go for a NEW 3 disc OEM clutch assembly with retangular shaped Polini Spring. The PKXL might be more desirable, but is quite an effort to fit, as mentioned already!




not in UK, but an Irishman in Belgium.

Its a polini 133 with 24mmphbh, mazz crank and polini pipe.

Pretty standard set up, it was running a 4 plate MEC clutch set up in the original spider. The "spider" is now oval but i'm not sure it was like this before.

going to fit one of the complete four plate set ups from SCK and see how i get on.

thanks for the replys.


Ohh -- then good luck in the country of Europe's worst car drivers :-D M

tell me about it 140kph tail gating bastards!!!!

had a good time in aachen last week by the way. My first german rally, not my last!

tot straks!


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