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you know that the ET3 frame is 3 cm longer than the ss90 frame? so it would never get an original look... :-D

(vom schönen Et3 Rahmen ,der für diesen Schmarrn zerstört wird, mal abgesehen..)

Bearbeitet von massimotori:
you know that the ET3 frame is 3 cm longer than the ss90 frame? so it would never get an original look... :-D

(vom schönen Et3 Rahmen ,der für diesen Schmarrn zerstört wird, mal abgesehen..)

which, i think, actually improves suitability for high speed cornering. i know your average ss stalwart is unlikely to appreciate this fact, but then again your average ss stalwart is unlikely ever to be tempted to go around corners at anything much above walking pace.

go ahead and do it mate. if you need a template let me know. it will be a template taken from a copy though, hence there may well be some accumulated errors.

you know that the ET3 frame is 3 cm longer than the ss90 frame? so it would never get an original look... :-D

(vom schönen Et3 Rahmen ,der für diesen Schmarrn zerstört wird, mal abgesehen..)

i know...you can see the idstance between toolbox and seat ... :-D

a replica is not original : registro storico is not for me. :wasntme:

i ll try with the pics on the post given by crisk...thanx ! :-D

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