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2nd Dutch Scooter Show 5 November


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Due to last years success the Lambretta Club of the Netherlands will again be hosting the Classic Scooter Custom Show together with most vespa & scooter clubs in NL. To get a general impression check out last years GSF topic click here.

All registration info etc can be found on this site - here some of the key info in english

On November 5th the second edition of the Classic Scooter Show will be held. The event will take place in sport center "De Dissel" in Hooglanderveen which is near Amersfoort in the middle of Holland - 45 mins from Amsterdam The sport center has recently moved to a new building. That means we have a lot more room for our show than last year. Organisation is in hands of the Lambretta Club Nederland, and the show is supported by the Amsterdam Vespa Club, the Vespa Club Midden-Nederland, the Vespa Scooter Club Brabant and the Heinkel Club Nederland


"De Dissel"

Disselplein 6


Open from 10:00 until 17:00

Admission fee: ?3

Owners of the scooters on display free.

At the Classic Scooter show, classic scooters will be on display. There will also be a number of stands where parts and gadgets will be for sale. Of course the scooter show is also a good place to be when you want to meet other classic scooter enthausiasts. Cheap beer & snacks will be available in the cantine.

Would you like to show off with your scooter yourself? You are most welcome, but if you want to bring a scooter you will have to register. Just like last year, there are prizes for a number of scooter categories

Download registration form here

Just like last year, prizes will be available in various categories:

*Best Vespa

*Best Lambretta

*Best Lambretta A-F

*Best Heinkel

*Best scooter of a different brand

*Best Three-wheeler

*Best Custom

*Best original restored scooter

*Straight from the barn - as found

*Best Racer

*Best looking stand on the show

Various scooter videos will be played, for example from the classic scooter race demo.

Registration forms can be obtained via the above link, or from the administration of the Lambretta Club Nederland. This is also the right person to contact if you would like more info:

Cor van Seters

Heischoorstraat 4

4882 JA Zundert

tel 076-5975913




and the dutch flyer - one in english may follow later


Hope to see even more Germans there again! As good excuse to come to Holland and spend the saturday night in Amsterdam as any - will be a group out on the town if you wish to join. If you have any questions please feel free to ask here or send me a PM.

Bearbeitet von johnvt
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